"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Thursday that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl should have been executed for leaving his post in Afghanistan.
"We're tired of Sgt. Bergdahl, who's a traitor, a no-good traitor, who should have been executed," Trump said to cheers at a rowdy rally inside a packed Las Vegas theater at the casino-hotel Treasure Island." From ABC news.....
First, Sgt. Bergdahl. Nothing should be done to him. And, the Army should apologize.. What is rarely mentioned is that this young man enlisted in the Coast Guard and shortly after enlisting, they discharged him for psychological reasons.
So, one of our services says he isn't fit for service for psychological reasons and the Army allows him to enlist. And. look what happened. I guess the folks in the Coast Guard were right.
Trump, you may be tired of Bergdahl but many if us are growing tired of you. At first you were entertaining, but no longer. I mentioned in another comment that Trump questions where our president was born and also stated that he'd welcome Sarah Palin as a member of his cabinet.
Hope you folks are supporting Bernie. I know little about politics; that said, it surely seems as though Bernie is an honest man who truly wants to help the folks at the bottom of the heap. And, hey, most of us are at the bottom or headed in that direction. He seems to say what he thinks and not pander to us.
Most of the Republicans seem to be religious whack jobs. And, Hillary? Seems sleazy like the rest of them. And, dang, if she were president we'd have to have a million SS agents to follow old Bill around.
EDIT: You know there's a problem when you confuse the
person with the SNL actor portraying them. It was the same with Palin.