When William Least Heat-Moon toured the country many years ago, his steed, if you will, was a van that he named Ghost Dancing. His journey of America was 13,000 miles. His book is Blue Highways, A Journey Into America. My steed will be a Subaru WRX (traded for an XV Crosstrek). My travels will be, what in the past were called, the blue highways of Virginia. Years ago, maps showed secondary roads in blue. Yes, the ones less traveled.
If you don't believe in so-called complementary and alternative medicine and psychics and stuff, you should enjoy these video. If you are a believer, YOU REALLY NEED TO WATCH THESE VIDEOS!!!
A great video. James Randi travels the world, including Russia.
For years James Randi offered a million-dollar prize
to anyone who can prove they have the ability.
Watch these folks as they try to win Randi's money.
If you don't believe in so-called complementary and alternative medicine and psychics and stuff, you should enjoy these videos. If you are a believer, YOU REALLY NEED TO WATCH THESE VIDEOS!!!
A great video. James Randi travels the world, including Russia.
For years James Randi offered a million-dollar prize
to anyone who can prove they have the ability.
Watch these folks as they try to win Randi's money.
Some of you may not know about Peter Seller's death. He had a heart condition and instead of having bypass surgery, he had psychic surgery. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, psychic surgery. Though I'm sure this is available in many countries, as I best understand it, most folks travel to the Philippines.
James Randi gives a demonstration of psychic surgery.
I've been to Las Vegas, twice. When asked what I thought, I always said, Beneath the tinsel
and glitter, is more tinsel and glitter. Sort of like the Catholic church, Beneath the myths, superstitions, tacky costumes, beanie caps (for cryin' out loud), unending bizarre rituals, talking snakes, virgin births, parting seas, drinking the blood of and eating the body of you-know-who, and on and on....is yes, more of the same. Here's the CNN article about Saint Teresa. Take a look at the chart that shows how a mere mortal becomes a saint.What's truly great about all of this is that there has to be two miracles before sainthood.I'm not wasting time on the miracles. Folks, it's 2016 and we're still talking about miracles. One the Saint's most vocal critics was Christopher Hitchens. Catholic church or Christopher Hitchens????? What do you folks think? Lest you folks think I don't like Catholics, my best friend was almost-a-priest. Thank the Lord he saw the light! And, lest you think I don't like Catholics and the Catholic church....what I don't like is religion.