The Beginning....

The Beginning....
When William Least Heat-Moon toured the country many years ago, his steed, if you will, was a van that he named Ghost Dancing. His journey of America was 13,000 miles. His book is Blue Highways, A Journey Into America. My steed will be a Subaru WRX (traded for an XV Crosstrek). My travels will be, what in the past were called, the blue highways of Virginia. Years ago, maps showed secondary roads in blue. Yes, the ones less traveled.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Yes, a Councilwoman, in Chesapeake, Virginia Wants to Have in God We Trust Plastered Everywhere!!!!!

Here we go again, amazingly. In our sister city, if you will, Chesapeake, which rubs up against the border of my city (Virginia Beach) Councilwoman Suzy Kelly is proposing that Chesapeake adopts In God We Trust. Here's the link to the article.

I would really like to use the F word, however, one of my New Years' resolutions was to use no words that I wouldn't use around my mom. And, around my mom, I rarely, if ever, even said damn.

Where was I?

If I said my Subaru gets 100 mpg you'd surely ask for EVIDENCE! You would surely want to see some road tests or something. You surely wouldn't believe just on my saying that my Subaru gets 100 mpg. Suppose I showed you the Subaru Bible and pointed out that the Bible said it gets 100 mpg, would you then believe it? Why not, for cryin' out loud, it's in the Bible.

Yet, you believe in a virgin birth, talking snakes, and all the rest....but, won't believe my Subaru gets 100 mpg.

Well, enough of this. Yes, just whistlin' Dixie. You folks keep on getting up on Sunday, putting on your finest, trudging to your churches and such, and praising whatever God you praise. Listening to ministers, reverends, and so on; dressed in really tacky costumes, babbling about the Lord God and Baby Jesus. Terrific.

Occasionally and rarely a few of you will all of a sudden realize you've been had.....and, will realize what a hoax and a scam it has all been.

Yes, America may well be a great country. But, in many ways, with our bizarre and absurd beliefs, we are so far behind other great nations who have tossed off the shackles of delusions, false beliefs. myths, and superstitions.

If we take a look at the countries that have the highest we're happy and enjoying life ratings, they are the same countries that have the fewest believers! Hmmm.....

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Banger, Short-Track Racing, and Road Rage........

How about a change of pace?

Any of you folks race fans? I've been watching and attending races for years. The first race I attended was about 1945. Though my favorite is road racing, over the years I've watched just about everything, yes, including lawn mower racing!

However, until yesterday I'd never heard of Banger racing. Yes, Banger racing. There seem to be several classes and some races seem to be nothing more than a demolition derby, though most are actual races even though there will be a lot of Banging (wrecking).

In the States, we have short-track racing. Typically, this is what you might call hobby racing that takes place Saturday night at tracks all over the country. The tracks are usually 1/4 or 1/2 mile. And, it's often said there will be beatin' and bangin'. Yes, close racing with paint swapping and rubbing. It would seem that the Banger racers take it to another level.

Here's an example of the Micro class of Banger racing....

By now, we've all heard of road rage. I think for most instances of so-called road rage, we may be more accurate in calling it antisocial personality disorder. You know, thug and bully behavior. But, enough of trying to define it. In England, you could just drive your everyday car right out on the track and deal with your aggression or your desire to go fast and race.

Yes, just drive your family car out on the track.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

OK, Who Saved the Fan Who Had a Seizure? Was it Tim Tebow and His Laying on of Hands or Was it My Eating a Hot Dog?

Well, I'm sure most of us have heard about Tim Tebow and the fan who had a seizure. And,
that Tebow laid on hands and prayed. Sadly, many think that this act actually saved this fan.

A couple of comments. Because two things happen at the same time doesn't mean there's causality. That is, it doesn't mean that one thing caused the other.....Tebow laying on of hands and the fan coming to. 

Yes, it will surely seem crazy to you believers but I could have been eating a hot dog at the time of this incident, and claim that my eating a hot dog caused this fan's recovery. It makes as much sense or lack of sense.

The other aspect is from a medical perspective. Sadly, many people routinely have seizures and most of them are not fatal. Yes, the person recovers and goes about their life. This fan recovering could be the normal course of events for him.

Some, I'm sure actually think that Tebow has the power or whatever term you want to use. You know, Tebow is a healer. Well, that could easily be tested by him going to the closest hospital.

Now, I would like to metion Kari Van Horn of ABC 15 Arizona, Yes, she gets a Crap Head
Award for calling this a MIRACLE!!!!!! Way to go, Kari!

Here are two links about this story:

Monday, October 3, 2016

Having Emotional Problems, Depressed, Relationship Gone to Hell, Life Out of Control.......????

My friend, Mr. Charlie, who is a counselor, recently told me I've been obsessed about so-called complementary and alternative medicine, psychics, and so on and spending far-too-much time writing about it. And, he may well be correct.

Anyway, he sent me a link that solved all of my problems. I will share it with you folks.

Do you remember the Bob Newhart Show? He was a psychologist?

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Dr. Oz, Wins Awards...... And Introducing, Dr. Orac.

For years, the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) has annually given out the
Pigasus awards. I just visited with Dr. Orac, and found this link.  As I knew Oz had received the award I just glanced at the article. As I best remember, in addition to receiving the award, he's the only one who received it more than once.

Here's a list of all of the award winners.

Dr. Orac is, as I best remember, a surgeon specializing in breast cancer. He has hundreds of articles. Take a look and learn something. (Sounds kind of snarky.) But, you will learn something.

Saturday, October 1, 2016