The Beginning....

The Beginning....
When William Least Heat-Moon toured the country many years ago, his steed, if you will, was a van that he named Ghost Dancing. His journey of America was 13,000 miles. His book is Blue Highways, A Journey Into America. My steed will be a Subaru WRX (traded for an XV Crosstrek). My travels will be, what in the past were called, the blue highways of Virginia. Years ago, maps showed secondary roads in blue. Yes, the ones less traveled.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Hurricane Florence is Devastating Our Neighbors to the South. And, What Are You Christian Apologists Saying????

September 14, 2018

Hurricane Florence has made landfall to the south of us (I live in Tidewater Virginia....Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth, etc.). Our neighbors are stranded, flooded, without electricity, and some have died. So, let's think a minute about your so-called God (OK, I'll use caps).

You claim He's all-powerful. And, that He can do anything. So, what's the deal with the hurricane? It would seem either He planned this and put it in motion or just stood by and watched it happen without interfering. Hmm. Well. Sooo, no power or doesn't care?

Some preachers always claim old God brought on a hurricane because of homosexuals, same-sex marriage, and so on. What kind of God would punish us for something that He created? And, just for the sake of talking, let's say He sent the hurricane because of homosexuals,,, hey, the hurricane does not discriminate. It kills, injures, and devastates all of us.

What's that about answering all prayers? Oh, He answers them just maybe not the answer you asked for!!! Well...think about that! Old God can't go wrong on this one.  So, why do you bother praying, for cryin' out loud? Folks, pray, don't pray...the outcome will be the same!

UPDATE:  Midnight, September 14, 2018. Well, our area was spared, if you will. So, what are you religious folks doing? Yep, down on your knees praying to this so-called God and thanking Him for sparing you, your family, and your neighbors. Think for a minute, if you're able. What's so special about you and yours that old God spared you and not our neighbors to the south.

OK, OK, yes, this is poorly written and I'm sort of pissed off that in 2018 there are still so many of you who believe all of this bullshit. This Sunday, you'll trudge off to your so-called places of worship to hear your ministers babbling on about a God who spared you.

Hey, it's your life. Waste it as you will.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Road Rage???? You Ain't Seen Nuthin'!!!!!!

For those of you who know little or nothing about motorcycles, the motorcycle's front brake is operated by a lever on the right side of the handlebar. Watch the rider reach over with his left hand and apply the brake. You can see the front of the motorcycle go down a little and the rider's butt coming off the seat. Dang!!!!

Here's the link.

A Needed Change of Pace. BIGFOOT DAY in Marion, North Carolina!

With all of the horrible things going on all over the world, the insanity in our White House, several hurricanes off the coast, Marion, North Carolina called timeout, got away from it all and celebrated Bigfoot Day!!!! I congratulate Mayor Steve Little, the good folks of Marion, and all of their visitors.

We all need to have a Bigfoot Day!

Here's the link to the CNN article.

Bigfoot Day, Mayor Little, and opening ceremonies in Marion, North Carolina....
Photo: Courtesy CNN....

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Ahh, What a Country?! What a President!!! I Think Most of Us Are The Plaid-Shirt Guy!!!

Yep, they kicked the kid and his friends out. And, the Secret Service even interviewed him. What a country????!!!!

"Linfesty (the plaid-shirt guy) said that as a joke, he gave a copy of “The Communist Manifesto” wrapped in a dust jacket of Trump’s “Art of the Deal” to Secret Service agents and asked to have the president sign it, the newspaper reported."

Here are a couple of links. And, a third link. OK, another link.

EDIT: Linfesty is a new hero. Think about this, a 17 yo kid going to a Trump rally, carrying The Communist Manifesto for Trump to sign, refusing to wear one of those goofy hats, and wearing a symbol of the Democratic Socialists of America. Pretty cool, Linfesty.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Paltrow, Redux!!!!

Yes, I've made comments about her before and was just going to post a link to a recent court settlement, when Dr. Jen Gunter posted a comment. Though I usually post links, I thought I'd post Gunter's comment in its entirety in hopes that more of you may read it.

And, while I'm at it, need I remind you of a few things that I've mentioned before?

1) With almost no exceptions, if any, supplements are not going to be of any benefit.

2) Do not take medical and health advice from movie stars.

3) Oh yeah, and lastly, you most likely should stay away from chiropractors. Yeah, I know Uncle Tony swears by them. Good for Uncle Tony.


Dear Gwyneth Paltrow, Did the District Attorney Bring Their A game?

Dear Gwyneth Paltrow,
Once upon a time (okay, last year) you said that anyone who was going to fuck with you had better bring their A game. This, I was led to believe, was a response to concerns that I and others had raised about the quality of the advice and value of the products that you sell on GOOP.
However, hearing about the $145,000 settlement that GOOP was required to pay because you lied about the benefits of jade eggs, quartz eggs and an essential oil spray brought those words rushing back.
Did the government bring its A game and did you reply with yours?
I know the money is likely less than your annual budget for vagina steaming and pocket change for a company that claims to be worth $250 million, then again you and your company claimed jade eggs are recharged with energy from the moon and can “balance” hormones and that raw goat’s milk is a cure for nonexistent parasites. Hopefully, you backed up your financial claims with more hard data than your claims about the efficacy of a jade egg practice or the rectal administration of coffee.
But I digress.
I wondered if the lawsuit was a surprise for you or if your medium had warned you about it so you could be prepared? After all, she is a research medium. Or do your mediums just bring medical diagnoses and love back from the great beyond and not legal advice? But seriously, if a ghost can diagnose a person when the medical profession fails shouldn’t they also know when a District Attorney is building a case against you?
The money with the settlement doesn’t seem to me to be the big point, the real meat of the deal is that GOOP is prohibited from “making any claims regarding the efficacy or effects” of any of the products that you sell that are not backed by
“competent and reliable scientific evidence.”
I’m going to stock up on popcorn today.
When I called you out for these same unscientific claims you called me strangely confident. You also said,
There is so much that we do not know. It is unfortunate that there are some who seem to believe that they already know it all, who prejudge information before they have even taken the time to read or understand it..
Did you tell the DA they were strangely confident, insufferable know-it-alls as well?
Did you tell the lawyers that they hadn’t taken the time to read and really understand the deep thoughts on jade eggs and lunar energy written by a jade eggthusiast and woman who has a certificate in healing from an institute that she founded? What is a medical degree and a residency and a fellowship anyway against such knowledge?
I wonder if you accused me of not taking “the time to read or understand” — basically of being underprepared and ill-researched — because that is what you do at GOOP. You package shit, make up some new age words, and market, market, market, market. Very Trumpian for you to project your own faults onto me.
It probably shocks you to know, mostly because I suspect no one at GOOP has ever read more than the first paragraph of anything I have written, but I have researched every piece of your medical fuckery. I even contacted the Museum of Military Medicine in the U.K. and a historian who specializes in military medicine to fact check your choice bullshit on coffee enemas.
Look sister, you can feign shock or claim you were just having a conversation, or cry that you are misunderstood just like Galileo, but you can only say the dog ate your homework so many times before you have to start showing some proof. As a nerd I’ve seen all the excuses in class.
When you claim that bras cause breast cancer, or that coffee enemas are a thing, or that supplements can cure the totally fucking non existent patriarchal bullshit that is post natal depletion, or that jade eggs balance hormones, or that tampons have toxins you are a predator. You are weaponizing fears for page clicks and profit.
You claim that medicine is ignoring women, and while it is true there are many gaps in medicine you are not filling them, you are exploiting them by offering expensive bullshit and fake ideas about health and passing it off as care and conversations. And if women have concerns, well, they can call 1-844-WTF-GOOP between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. EST.
No person interested in helping women brags that their number is WTF.
Now I know the people who have the power to hold you accountable read what I write. Hopefully they will also be looking at the supplements sold by the various functional medicine doctors and naturopaths you so love to quote.
I’m going to keep on plugging away when I see garbage medicine (sorry, conversations) on your website. I do this because no woman ever profited from misinformation about her health.
Scratch that, there are some women who profit. You and your gal pals at GOOP.
Until next time,
Dr. Jen Gunter MD, FRCS(C), FACOG, DABPM, ABPMR (pain)
P.S. Have at it with the furniture venture, just don’t come up with a bespoke wooden vagina steaming throne. If you do, I can count on the Internet to tell me.

***To the people angry that I am not allowing your comments about jade eggs being an “ancient” therapy that is “5,000 years old. Prove it and I will post your comments. That is how science works. If it was as well-known as you claim in Ancient China I look forward to reading your references.  xoxo Jen" ***
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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Yes, There Are Many of You Who Still Like Trump!!! Pretty Amazing.....

"In one revelatory anecdote, Woodward describes a scene in the White House residence. Trump's lawyer, convinced the President would perjure himself, put Trump through a test — a practice interview for the one he might have with Mueller. Trump failed, according to Dowd, but the President still insisted he should testify.
Woodward writes that Dowd saw the "full nightmare" of a potential Mueller interview, and felt Trump acted like an "aggrieved Shakespearean king."
But Trump seemed surprised at Dowd's reaction, Woodward writes. "You think I was struggling?" Trump asked.
Then, in an even more remarkable move, Dowd and Trump's current personal attorney Jay Sekulow went to Mueller's office and re-enacted the mock interview. Their goal: to argue that Trump couldn't possibly testify because he was incapable of telling the truth.
"He just made something up. That's his nature," Dowd said to Mueller.
The passage is an unprecedented glimpse behind the scenes of Mueller's secretive operation — for the first time, Mueller's conversations with Trump's lawyers are captured.
"I need the president's testimony," Mueller said. "What was his intent on Comey? ... I want to see if there was corrupt intent."
Despite Dowd's efforts, Trump continued to insist he could testify. "I think the President of the United States cannot be seen taking the fifth," Trump said.
Dowd's argument was stark: "There's no way you can get through these. ... Don't testify. It's either that or an orange jump suit."
What he couldn't say to Trump, according to Woodward, was what Dowd believed to be true: "You're a fucking liar.""
Woodard tried getting a hold of Trump so that he could have his say before the book was published. That did not happen. After the book was finished, he did talk to Trump. Here's the transcript of the conversation.