The Beginning....

The Beginning....
When William Least Heat-Moon toured the country many years ago, his steed, if you will, was a van that he named Ghost Dancing. His journey of America was 13,000 miles. His book is Blue Highways, A Journey Into America. My steed will be a Subaru WRX (traded for an XV Crosstrek). My travels will be, what in the past were called, the blue highways of Virginia. Years ago, maps showed secondary roads in blue. Yes, the ones less traveled.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Gosh, Ain't Psychics Something....

Ahh, a gloomy, overcast, rain-in-the-forecast Monday. Surely not a day for getting on the road. In fact, the next five days are looking about the same. Psychics, anyone?

My use of the word psychic includes so-called fortune tellers, mediums, clairvoyants, palm readers, astrologers, get the idea. Yep, I'm lumping them all under the banner of psychic. Yes, those folks who can talk to the dead and predict the future. You know the ones I mean.

Some have even have/had their own TV programs. John Edward (just checked, now changing $850 for a reading or whatever it is they call them), and there was of course, Sylvia Browne who was a regular on Montel Williams' TV show. Yes, Sylvia is no longer with us (don't speak ill of the dead, George); I'm sure she's up there hanging-out with her spirit guide. Just checked Sylvia's site, yes, her son Chris is only charging $175; what a deal.

I know why some of you seek out psychics. Sadly, many of us are looking for answers about our deceased loved ones. Are they in a heaven-like place and how are they doing? Folks, you aren't going to learn anything by paying a psychic. Though I of course have no exact figures, I understand Browne had a two-year waiting list. Yes, and she charged about $700 for twenty minutes or so of phone time. Take a look here for everything about Sylvia Browne.

OK, OK, yes, I know, you've seen them on TV and dang, they seem to know about us and our relatives. They do?

Most folks would categorize what these so-called psychics (SCP) do as being cold, warm, or hot readings. Cold readings are exactly what it sounds like, they have no information about you. Warm, yes they know something about you. Most of the time when you go on TV with these folks or pay to see them you will fill out a card. Yep, a little about yourself and who you are trying to contact. Hot readings are a little more devious. Yes, this is when the SCP actually does a little research about you. With all of the so-called social media out there it's fairly easy to find out specific things about many of us, by going to Face Book and other social media places.

Folks, there are only three ways that a SCP will know anything about you: you'll tell them, you filled out a card, they did a little research, or they made a "good hit" (this is when a guess proves to be true). That's it. Folks, there has never ever been any proof that anyone has psychic abilities. Period!

OK, let's see. Here's how it usually starts, I see a J. Let's assume there's 100 people or so in the audience.

Now, how many folks out there are named John, Joan, Jeff, Jill, Jason, and so on.

I'm here about Uncle John.

I see that he's crossed over. (I doubt many people go to these SCPs seeking information about someone who is alive.)

Oh, yes.

I see that at the end he was having heart problems. (How do people die? Their heart stops? They stop breathing? Do the psychics ever say, I see a blood clot in his left leg, that went to his brain? Or, Wow that was a horrible crash on Interstate 95 just outside of Richmond.)


He wants you to know that he's doing well and is happy.

Oh. I'm so thankful.

I'm seeing a, ahh, a pet. (most of us have pets...notice the SCP didn't say I see a Collie named Fred.)

Oh, yes. That's Jake, Uncle John's dog.

Yes, he's saying that he and Jake are doing well. I'm seeing something about a hobby (many of us have hobbies or at least are interested in something.)

Oh, Uncle John had a stamp collection. He spent a lot of time on it.

Yes, Uncle John is saying that he hopes someone is enjoying his stamp collection.

Oh, yes, his son Mike is taking good care of it.

Uncle John is saying that he knew Mike would enjoy it.

OK, this is all pretty simplistic, but that's how it works folks.

Now, let's say there's a really bad hit. The SCP calls out Martin and no one responds. Simple. Please, there is a Martin. I am definitely seeing a Martin, Maurice, Mary....

Oh, yes. Mary. I'm here about Mary.

Mary wasn't a school teacher, was she?  (You can't lose when asking a question like this.)

No, she was a nurse.

Yes, that's what was coming through, I didn't think she was a school teacher.

Or, the SCP could have said, Yes, there is a Martin. Think about it when you get home.


Why don't you use your psychic abilities to pick lotto numbers, horse races, and so on?

Oh, I'd never use my abilities to make money. That's not ethical. I'm sure I don't have to point-out the obvious hypocrisy.

You folks, who could be called the sitters, I believe that's the correct term, supply all of the information, that's then thrown back to you.


Think about this for a minute, you've crossed over and all of a sudden there's someone who you can communicate with, who can pass your thoughts to your family and loved-ones. What are you going to say?

Honey, I'm sorry I was such an ass just before I died.

I had hidden some money in an old tackle box. It's on the top shelf in my workshop. It's red.

Make sure Fred (friend) gets my 12 gauge.

Tell Bobby I think he should go in the Air Force not the Army.

Hey, you guys, don't neglect my garden.

Pamela, I really miss your cooking. No one up here makes lasagna like you.

I'm trying to get transferred out of here. There's too much damn praying.

Jenny, watch the bills, your credit cards are getting way up there.


James Randi has a million bucks waiting for the first SCP who can prove they have psychic abilities. Why hasn't one come forward? Well, actually they have...and, yes, Mr. Randi still has his million bucks.

Just did an Internet search: Honest Certified Psychic, one place advertises that all of their psychics have a Ph.D..

Well, can't top this one......  OY VEY! I Am A Nice Jewish Psychic Love Coach & Reiki Healing Nudist...  folks, no, I didn't make this one up. Honest.

And, who are these people? Well, I surely don't know; however, I'd guess that some of them actually think they have some special powers. Most of them I'd have to say are just outright charlatans preying on our vulnerable citizens. Sadly, many of the folks who go to these SCP are trying to come to grips with the death of a loved one. And, the psychics are there to prey on them. And, prey they do.


We should never blame the victim. In this case, the people who seek out these SCP and pay them, at times, big bucks.

But, frankly, people who take their pets to a pet psychic???? Pet psychic? Can we even say that with a straight face. Talking about a disconnect from reality.

Check out this 2005 Gallup poll. Yes, we still believe in this stuff.

Lots of folks, say Oh, gosh, what's the harm? You know, just a few bucks that Aunt Sue spends with her fortune teller? Well, folks there can be lots of harm. 

edit:  Sorry folks, this isn't that well written, but don't want to spend anymore time on it. 

Psychics? This is from another of my blogs.

Since I was just a little kid, I've been fascinated by magic. Yep, always had a few tricks and several times I made a concerted effort to learn magic, in fact took a few lessons. Twenty years or so ago I tried learning closeup magic with coins. My latest foray into magic was a few years ago as I attempted to learn card magic. Bought eight or ten DVDs and a bunch of cards. And, for a while practiced somewhat regularly. Anyway, let me get on with my story.

I said to her, “I'm psychic.”
“No, you aren't.”
“OK, I'll show you.” I shuffled the cards. Fanned them, and thumbed through them, and said, “Tell me when to stop.”
“Stop.” I showed her the card without me being able to see it.
I gave her the cards and she shuffled them.
“OK, now I want you to think of your card. And, I'm going to try to get your thoughts...yes, psychically, I'm going to tune in to you and I'll know what your card is.”
“OK, I know what it is. It's the ten of hearts. Am I right?”
“Yes, but that was a trick.”
“Are you doubting my psychic abilities?”
“You aren’t a psychic.”
“How do you know?” I said.
“Because you aren't.”
“How do you know a so-called psychic is a psychic?”
“Because they say they are.”

There is a point I'm trying to make with this story, which by the way, yes, this actually happened just as I wrote it.

My point. When someone who says they are a magician puts on a show for us, we often times try to figure how the
trick is done; how the magic works. I guess that's pretty normal and of course there's nothing wrong with that.

However, when someone states they are a psychic, the believers never question what they are doing and how they are doing it. That's what keeps them as believers. Well, I guess that's true in lots of things.

The same could be said about religion, so-called alternative medicine, astrology...yep, all of that stuff. If there is a truth here, I'm guessing that they, the believers, just want to keep their delusions going, they want no one to rock their believers' boat.

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