The Beginning....

The Beginning....
When William Least Heat-Moon toured the country many years ago, his steed, if you will, was a van that he named Ghost Dancing. His journey of America was 13,000 miles. His book is Blue Highways, A Journey Into America. My steed will be a Subaru WRX (traded for an XV Crosstrek). My travels will be, what in the past were called, the blue highways of Virginia. Years ago, maps showed secondary roads in blue. Yes, the ones less traveled.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Don't Want To Go To Hell?....This Limited-Time Offer is For the Original Real Get-Out-Of-Hell Card! Quantities Limited!

Folks, do you really want to end-up in Hell? Seriously, you go to church every Sunday, tithe a little, maybe even go to a Bible study know, all of these efforts are to stay out of Hell and to go to the good place.

Yep, you want to join God and Jesus, angels, and heck, maybe even the Holy Spirit. But, what if you're a little lacking? You know, you've SINNED!  Maybe even by accident, but, accident or not, hey, you're going to Hell, with Mr. Bad, the Devil. And, as we all know, you're going to burn in Hell for an eternity. Folks, there's no way out..... Well, there wasn't until recently.

Listen closely.

This is the genuine, real-deal,
Get-Out-of-Hell card. This is not an imitation like you see all the time on late-night TV. This is the real deal.

This card has been anointed and prayed over. This is not some cheaply made paper
Get-Out-of-Hell card. No, this is the only Get-Out-of-Hell card that you have can faith in. Yes, this is the one that maybe your neighbors have talked about.

Some of the cheaper ones that aren't even made in the good old USA will not work. We hear horror stories about those cards all the time.

Listen, no, we aren't saying you can go out there and sin with impunity??? Well, OK, maybe we are.

Listen, we want you to lead a blessed life in the name of our holy Father and Jesus, but we do understand that dang, we just have to sin sometimes, you know what we mean. No, no, aren't exactly advocates of sin....we really aren't. Well, not actually.

I guess the Get-Out-of-Hell card is the same as an insurance policy. Just like you insure your house and don't want to have a wreck or have your house burn, but it's a just in-case.

And, please remember, presently we can only help you if you have the card when you need it. Don't try and order when you're on your way.... Yes, we are working on that but it will be a while and pretty pricey.

To buy your card visit our website for full information.

Get-Out-of-Hell Card.DON'

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