The Beginning....

The Beginning....
When William Least Heat-Moon toured the country many years ago, his steed, if you will, was a van that he named Ghost Dancing. His journey of America was 13,000 miles. His book is Blue Highways, A Journey Into America. My steed will be a Subaru WRX (traded for an XV Crosstrek). My travels will be, what in the past were called, the blue highways of Virginia. Years ago, maps showed secondary roads in blue. Yes, the ones less traveled.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Please Read This...Speaking of Radios....Hey, Let's Convert Them to Spirit/Ghost Boxes.....The ADE-651 Should Shame Us All....There is no Excuse for the ADE-651....

PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS (I think knowing about the ADE-651 is important).  Thank you.

OK, I just finished a post on radios and the folks who listen to
 Coast-to-Coast AM. 

I think I mentioned that I purchased a few small radios over the last week. They were all analog, you know the old timey radios that have a scale showing the frequencies, and you twist the knob and then fine-tune for the best sound and reception.

There’s really nothing wrong with these types of radios. There's more to a good radio than the tuning mechanism. However, the digital radio shown here is easier to tune as the digital readout shows the stations. The small analog radios have such a short scale that the stations are sort of jammed up to each other.

So, over the past couple of days I've been researching small digital radios. Well, doing searches and such. Anyway, I will soon get to the good part. Before I do, I need to quote. 

Let's see, it's 2014. We've made so many advances in all areas... medicine, technology, science, there are truly almost miracles that doctors do every day. OK, have we as humans advanced the same? Nope, I don't think we have.

"A CBS News 2009 study showed that nearly half of Americans say they believe in ghosts, or that the dead can return in certain places and situations. That poll also revealed that 78 percent of Americans believe in life after death."

OK, where am I going here? (As a note, many years ago, I worked on radios and nav aids on airplanes. Does that mean I know some radio stuff today? Not really, though I do remember a little theory and can sort of understand a radio schematic.) Over the last several days I've run across articles that showed how to modify these small radios…I mean get into the guts of them and add stuff and change stuff…made my eyes glaze over. No way would I ever try that even though many, many years ago I would dig into the innards of extremely complicated radios. What they were doing was in essence hopping-up their radios to enhance the sound, selectivity, and so on. So, yes, I was aware that people modified these tiny radios.

OK, honest. This is the good part.

On YouTube I did a search for the above radio, the Sangean DT200V. And, what did I see, How to hack the DT200V. Thought I’d hit the jackpot or what-have-you. Hack means to change, ostensibly for the better. I thought wow, a video; maybe I’ll be able to understand this.

A young lady had a great easy-to-follow video for the hack. Yep, she took the radio apart, counted to the #4 pin and cut it off. Put the radio back together, turned it on, and hit a button and the digital display that shows the frequencies started spinning. It didn't stop…… didn't lock on to a frequency, it just spun. What the heck?

Folks, she’d just converted this well-reviewed radio into a Ghost or Spirit Box. Yes, it’s now supposed to be able to hear any spirits or ghosts who happen to be around………..


This from Amazon…yes, Amazon. You can buy Spirit Boxes ready to go. You don't even have to cut off pin #4. 

“The P-SB7 is a miniature sized Spirit Box the size of a iPhone 5 about - but thicker. The P-SB7 has been widely used in various paranormal TV Shows with remarkable results. Zack on Ghost Adventures was first with using it on TV and ususally (sic) just calls it the SB7.
Spirit/Ghost Finder

Product Features
·        P-SB7 FM - created with intent of hearing voices from the departed in real time
·        The P-SB7 utilizes a milli-second adjustable Forward or Reverse frequency "sweep" technique coupled with a proprietary high frequency synthetic noise or "white noise" distributed between frequency steps.
·        FM frequency sweep which includes an additional 119 new frequencies from 76MHz to 87.9MHz
·        Used with great success by professional paranormal researchers”

Do any of you folks remember the ADE-651? The bomb detector that didn't work, that governments spent millions of dollars on and that caused the deaths of soldiers who relied on the so-called detector?

As I best understand it, the idea came from what I assume was a gag gift, a golf ball finder. Yes, it was a dowsing device. A plastic box with an antenna. And, the box was empty. It was a joke! A gag!

Golf ball finder......
This is what Jim McCormick sold to no telling how many governments. I did a couple of YouTube segments on him and this so-called bomb detector. I’ll spare you my link.

So, here we have a young lady and many like her who are hacking radios so that they can detect ghosts and spirits. And, yes, many of us will laugh at her and her pals.

And, then we have governments who spent millions…and, yes, I mean millions of dollars on the ADE-651s which are in essence an empty plastic box with an antenna…yes, and they caused the deaths of soldiers.

To some extent, I can understand the young lady modifying her radio so that it will detect ghosts and spirits. But, how could we ever excuse the many governments who spent millions of dollars on an empty plastic box.

McCormick is now in a British prison. Can’t remember the sentence, though I’m thinking ten years. 

The so-called entertainment industry should be taken to task for all the bullshit programs about ghost hunters, psychics, and so on. Sadly, many of us think that if it's on TV or in print, Gosh, it's gotta be true. A perfect example is Montel Williams having Sylvia Browne on his program every week. Of course it helps if we want to believe. Folks, when trying decide if something is true, please, look for evidence. Yes, actual honest-to-gosh evidence. Not what the TV is saying or your neighbor. EVIDENCE. Remember, just because we can't explain something doesn't mean it's supernatural.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

AM DXing and the Crazies* Come Out Late at Night.........

OK, I borrowed this image......
Let's did this posting start?

OK, for some reason I became interested in AM DXing. The folks who are interested in DXing search around for stations on the AM dial looking to bring in stations from long distances. I guess the challenge is to listen to stations as far away as possible. Yep, these folks record the information. In addition to trying to find the furthest station, of course you'll be able to listen to other cultures and receive news from around the world.

Many folks who do this use cheap or low-cost radios. The challenge seems to be to listen to these stations using only the most basic equipment. 

Anyway, I recently bought a few of these radios. Tonight, for the first time I sought out some stations. Ironically, the first station that popped-up was a local station, WNIS 790. Wow, did it bring back memories.

Many, many years ago, most likely 8/10, I worked the 4pm to midnight shift. One night on the way home I listened to AM and happened across WNIS which was broadcasting Coast to Coast AM. Wow, is all I can say. OK, keep in mind I'm trying to remember from many years ago. There are several broadcasts that I'll never forget.

The first night there was a gentleman who called in and related the following. In the '60s there was a meeting of the star nations and all of the world's major powers; US, England, France, Russia, China, and so on. Yes, this meeting was in London. Why the meeting?

The star nations were concerned about being shot at. Yes, when they would visit in their space ships we were shooting at them.

Folks, as I often say, I ain't cool enough to make this stuff up.

Anyway, one of the representatives had the form of a praying mantis. Honest, folks, that's what the gentleman said. And, of course no one saw this representative getting out of the long limousine with tinted windows. OK, enough of this one.

Radio is only $10. Works great on 
AM/FM. Haven't tried the SW yet.

Moth-men....  Fellow called in and reported that one night he had been parked and a moth-man happened by. He sped off in his car and the mothman hovered over his car at 80 miles an hour. (Not sure of the correct spelling.)

Ah, yes, there was the Thunderbird night. Yes, a fellow called in and reported he sees them somewhat regularly when he fishes at a certain lake. Said they try to conceal themselves by standing upright, folding their wings at their sides, and remaining still. The caller said they look like trees.

This is a good one. The guest for the evening was a fellow who travels the country putting on energy healing workshops. A caller said he had attended one of his workshops. The caller then went on to say.... His small town, (I think somewhere in Michigan, Minnesota, or Wisconsin) had a large lake that was polluted. The town didn't have enough money to have the lake cleaned. No problem, evidently, as this fellow said he went to the lake and within a few seconds, yes, seconds, using the energy healing stuff, he cleaned-up the lake.

Ouija boards? anyone? Yes, another good one. This as I best remember was by the host, George Noory. Remember few details other than everyone, the listeners, were all going to get out their Ouija boards at the same time. As I said, remember few details, other than at the last minute, George said they weren't going to do it because the risks were too great. Hey, maybe the world would blow-up...heck, I don't know.

(It's 6/28/'14 4:26am, and yes, I'm listening to the station. Absolutely amazing.) Tonight they are calling in about their abductions and travels to other planets, and on and on.

The folks in the know say this is one of the
best cheap radios for DXing. 
Anyway, to wrap this up. I told a co-worker about this station and what the folks were talking about. She listened, and said, George, it's a one would believe that stuff.

Well, folks, sadly it's not a satire. Sadly, folks believe this stuff. Yes, I could go on and on and speculate why folks believe, but...I will leave that for another time. Hey, at least tune in for a few minutes.

These radios available from Amazon as well as other sellers.

EDIT: BTW, if you have an interest in DXing, here are a couple of sites with information.                 

Here's a link for a review of the Sony SRF-59. Yep, there's a consensus that this is one of the best cheap radios to start DXing....      

EDIT: Would appreciate you voting in the poll. Right side of blog at the top. Thanks!        

* Well, I guess I could make the argument to not use the word, crazies. It sounds as though I'm making fun of. And actually, I'm not. But, I did use the word. Unless these folks reporting the stories that I mentioned above are just trying to fit in and are fabricating them, then it's reasonable to assume that they actually believe the stories they tell...they believe they happened. If that's the case, they are at least delusional. My quick definition of delusional is a false belief easily refuted by evidence or lack of evidence.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

My Trip to Exmore and Cape Charles: The Good, Bad, and the Ugly....Well, Sort Of.........

What a day! Decided about 8am that I wanted to go somewhere. Thought about going to the Virginia Diner in Waverly...then, well... maybe I'd go to Franklin.

Needed gas. And, yes, where I get gas is a block from the Bridge Tunnel. So, that cinched it. I'd been wanting to go to the Exmore Diner. That’s where I headed. My neighbor, who spends a lot of time on the Eastern Shore hunting, regularly eats at the local restaurants staying away from the chains. He told me not to go to the Exmore Diner. He said the food was lousy.

The movie house reminded me of The Last Picture Show.......
The Positive Difference police department.......

A few months back, the lady who writes the restaurant reviews for our paper had an article about the 30 restaurants in Virginia that we all needed to try. Yes, she listed the Exmore and mentioned the five-dollar crab cake sandwich. After her article, I went to their website…and, yes, there’s the crab cake sandwich for $4.95.

So, that sort of sets the stage. I got to Exmore a little early for lunch and walked around the town, taking snaps. I needed a little exercise. Sadly, there seemed to be a lot of vacant storefronts.

I had decided I’d most likely get flounder and maybe a crab cake. Hey, crab cakes for five bucks. Well, as soon as I looked at the menu my afternoon sort of turned to crap and thoughts of a great meal with terrific service were soon dashed.

The young lady in the photo is Destiny. She’s a week or so shy of 19. Dang, wouldn't it be great to be 19? On second thought, I don’t want to be 19. Hey, how about 60 or so…that sounds pretty good.

Anyway, back to Destiny. She brought me some sweet tea that was OK. She’d only been working at the diner for three weeks and had recently moved from Baltimore to live with her dad.

Oh, yeah, the menu. The crab cake sandwich was $8.95.

My waitress came to take my order. Seems Destiny is in training and doesn't yet wait on customers. When asked about the prices she said they’d gone up several years ago but wasn't specific about how many years ago. Why haven’t you changed the prices on your website (this is an abbreviated version of our conversation)? Well, prices are subject to change. I understand that, but you are knowingly advertising prices that you know to be not true.

Back to the food. No flounder but they did have trout.

I like my food well done. I eat out a lot so I ain’t exactly a neophyte to restaurant dining. Things don’t have to be perfect…. All I want is the food not to be spoiled, cooked well done, and reasonably hot when it’s served.

The trout I could have fried or broiled. I emphasized well done…..really well done. Yes, I asked for broiled.

Well, you see the fish. Yes, my photography isn't all that good but you can surely see that the fish is white with absolutely no browning. When I asked her about the way it was cooked she said it was well done. Why no browning? It’s cooked in a microwave! Actually broiled in a microwave. A fucking microwave! Yes, I think this called for what we say is the F word. Actually, the fish reminded me of the last time I went to Red Lobster. My flounder looked about the same as Exmore's trout. Absolutely white with no browning. Amazing.

OK, I’m sure someone will take me to task on this, but cooking fish in a microwave and saying it's broiled? I know little about cooking but that just ain’t right. Go to a restaurant and be served microwaved fish?

The waitress knew I wasn't pleased though didn't offer to serve me something else or to fry it or to do anything. In fact, she just didn't care whether I liked the meal or not. It seemed to me, that in her mind she ethically held the high ground because of my questioning their prices and their marketing.

She had also come back again about the prices. Said she’d work there a long time and in my words, was sticking up for them (the restaurant owners). To add to it, I had mentioned that I’d driven up from Virginia Beach.

She said something like, Well, down there in Virginia Beach I’m sure they do things differently. My response was, People are people and food is food.

How did it all shake out? Well, I ate a few French fries (they were OK but surely not special) and a few bites of coleslaw which was good. The fish I picked at…but after one bite I just couldn't eat it; in fact, microwave or not, it was barely warmish, definitely not hot. Soooo, there you have it folks. And, yes, I tipped her $4.00 on a bill of $12.XX……

I would imagine that if I'd picked a fried meal that things would have turned out differently. But, I didn't. I just thought that being on the Eastern Shore, I could surely get a decent broiled fish dinner.

I should have paid attention to my neighbor. Kevin was right, the food was lousy. OK, the fish was lousy.

What are the factors that determine how we view a meal in a restaurant? Or, a dining experience, if you will. Well, for me it would be the food and the service. The so-called ambiance doesn't mean much to me. So, let’s say you get served something that isn't to your liking and the person waiting on you, grabs the plate, takes it in the back, and makes it right. Or, let’s say the food is mediocre but the service is tops. You know, hey, what the heck; I’d most likely go back again. Anyone can be having an extra-busy day and everyone screws-up from time-to-time.

However, when the server has a crappy attitude, tries to justify false advertising, the food (based on my trout) is shit (in fairness, the side orders were fine), and the prices are 80% above what’s advertised, well…..they are leading from an extremely weak hand.

EDIT: Note, if my mom were still alive I wouldn't have used the F and S word. Sorry, Mom.


The following photos were taken in Cape Charles.

Yes, I know, I can see my reflection. I bet this is an interesting hotel.
An interesting hardware store...
Cape Charles was jumpin’. Wow, there were lots of folks walking around on the main street. The last time I was in Cape Charles that wasn't the case. I guess I should have asked someone what was going on. I know they are having some musical activities or something this coming weekend. Also, there were two massive yachts in the harbor. I mean huge.

Quite a contrast to Exmore. I didn't notice any empty storefronts in the couple of blocks I walked. I had thoughts of going to the harbor, but it was just too dag- gone hot.

Well, after getting hosed, to use that term, at the old Exmore Diner, Mr. Ron, the water station man was just what I needed. What a delightful fellow. When I was in Cape Charles a few months ago, I failed to get a photo of the water tower. Said the next time on the Eastern Shore, I was going to correct that and I did. I was shooting away when Ron drove-up. We talked for a few minutes and he invited me in to show me a photo of the lighthouse that’s the inspiration for the paint job on the water tower.

Ron’s been taking care of Cape Charles’ water for ten years. He said he and another fellow run the water plant. He explained how it all worked but my eyes glazed over. There are a couple of huge control panels with lots of lights and switches….gauges everywhere, valves, and all kind of gizmos. The only thing I understood, if I remember correctly, is water is pumped into the tower and then processed on its way to the citizens. Oh, well.

He said there’s a steady stream of people stopping by to take pictures. Also, said some folks think it is an actual lighthouse.

Again, Ron thanks for being so accommodating. Enjoyed the tour. My best to you.

Well, what did I learn, if anything, today? My so-called photography is driving me crazy. There’s a rocker switch that I keep hitting accidentally that screws-up the photos…. I've got to stop doing that. Had several OK snaps that I just couldn't use because they were so under-exposed. The switch (over/under compensation) is just where your right thumb naturally falls on the back of the camera. I just put a couple of vinyl labels on the back of the camera to remind me.

Hmmm…. Got a little sun and exercise today (yes, the wind was blowing when I took this). Is it time for a haircut?


Except for the crappy meal, today was a pleasant day. Need to get out more often.

About 105 miles, five hours.......


Maybe lighthouses should be in black and white........

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A Neat Writing Kit for Writers and Want-To-Be Writers Who Hit the Road......

Well, here's a set-up that you writing folks might appreciate. Yes, this is the 7" Kindle Fire and Amazon's keyboard. So far it seems to be working OK. One complaint (so far) is that there's no delete key. There may be something else that might work but I haven't taken the time to look. There were several keyboard options. Many were a little smaller and seemed cramped. This keyboard seems about as easy to use as my laptop. Plus, if I have a problem I know it will be resolved by Amazon without hassle. The note-taking software that's in the photo is Notepad. You may notice the ad at the bottom of the page. For $ .99 you can get the software without the ads. There are several note-taking type applications that are free. There is also what seems to be a complete Microsoft-office-type application that's free. I want to keep it really simple. I may try a couple more of the simple no-frill applications before deciding on one that I'm going to permanently use. My plans are just to type away and every so often send the text as an email. It's painless....a couple of keys and it's in your mail box. Then of course just copy/paste to your computer. Well, I just now learned something. Yep, the note taker wasn't working correctly (will spare you the details). So, I changed the batteries and that fixed it. I had failed to turn the keyboard off and I guess it's been on almost a week. Yes, turn the keyboard off when you aren't using it.

Now, if I can just get on the road again and use this thing.

At the risk of being a shill for Amazon, I think this set-up is great. The Kindle Fire's are way down in price. OK, I just checked. It seems one my size is as low as $139, I think mine's the HD which is now $229. The keyboard is about $30. Soooo, for about $260 you'll be all set. In case you don't know, of course you can use the Fire for Internet and all kinds of "stuff." 

Note: 28MM lens used. Things closer to the camera look
bigger in proportion to things further from the camera. 

Also, if you are a Prime member you can watch a trillion moves and music and no-telling what else. And, you get a free book each month. Oh, well. Anyway, this is surely an easy way to be able to write while you're on the road.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Isle of Man (IOM) Tourist Trophy Races.....

Yep, a photo taken two years ago. This is on another of my
go-nowhere-adventure blogs. Dang, I'm looking really old.

For years I've followed the IOM races. In fact, there was a time many years ago that I'd somewhat joked about wanting to race there. Yes, that was many, many, years ago.

My fascination with IOM is something that I can't quite explain.  And, for some unknown reason recently I've spent hours looking at videos and reading about the races and the racers.

The race is a killer. Period. This year, 2014, there were two racers who died. I believe it's called Mad Sunday when the public is allowed out on the course. Deaths of the non-racers during Mad Sunday are not that unusual.

The course I'm speaking of is a lap around the island of the Isle of Man. The course is 37.7 miles long and goes through towns, cities, and villages. Yes, on public highways and roads.

I've raced motorcycles, some. I had three pretty-full seasons of short-track racing, mainly on 1/4 dirt tracks. Also, have road raced, some. I doubt if I had 15 road races....most likely closer to ten. But, I raced enough to have some idea of what it's like...and, yes, did find out what it's like to fall on asphalt. Falling on dirt was a given. 

Though many attribute the following to Ernest Hemingway,  "There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games," there is disagreement.

Have you ever been over 130 mph on a motorcycle? Have you ever had to memorize a course with over 200 corners? Well, folks the present lap record at the IOM is 132 mph. Yes, an average of 132. Top speeds are close to 200 mph. It is truly not for the faint of heart.

And, I guess the question is, why would anyone want to race at the IOM?

I've seen several interviews with the riders and they all mention the dangerousness of the course....and, many if not most, mention the possibility of death as an attraction.

Joey Dunlop is one of the best known IOM riders. Joey died at 48 racing in Estonia. There were 50,000 people at his funeral. Joey's brother Robert died racing and presently two of Robert's sons are racing the IOM.

It would seem that there is an attraction that many of the riders succumb to or cannot overcome. I surely, have no idea. I do know that what little racing I did, I couldn't wait to get back out there again. There's just something about it that's hard to describe and understand.

Of course, I wasn't racing at over 160 mpg through a village square with absolutely no room for error. None. There are no minor crashes at the IOM.

This will give you some idea of what the IOM is like. This one is pretty good, also.

If you're interested in the IOM, watch this interview with Guy Martin.  Guy Martin is quite the character. He really is. He holds several speed records, including fastest on a sled, yes, a snow sled. I think he also holds the record for fastest on a bike. Yes, a bicycle. And, he holds the record for riding a motorcycle the longest distance on water. 

A former racing pal from many years ago, Richard P., referred to motorcycle racing as, A ballet of death. Yes, he was saying it jokingly.

You folks be safe out there.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Is Dr. Oz America's Doctor? He Surely Isn't Mine...... Oz Seems a Variation of Kevin Trudeau, With MD After His Name.....

Yes, Dr. (dang, I really don't like calling him a doctor) Oz has been around for a while. Yes, another product of Oprah. On my YouTube Channel (I'll spare you the link) I have several videos about old Dr. Oz.
A few things I remember: his wife is a Reiki Master, she chooses when the kids are vaccinated, and he's had psychics, and all sorts of people on his show hawking bogus treatments and products. Oh, yeah, he even had a Reiki demonstration, and of course, the person being treated (for a headache) was healed, just like that. Not sure why they just didn't move on to a close-by hospital and heal all of the truly ill patients. Actually, the Reiki folks do what's called distance healing. Regular old right-next-to-you Reiki is bad enough, but listen up folks. Yes, these old Reiki folks can heal you from afar. That's right. No, they don't have to meet you or anything. They'll send the Reiki energy stuff right to you. Honest, they will. One of the greatest things around are the websites where you give them your credit card number and they will send out this amazing Reiki energy every month, automatically. Yes, ain't that grand.

Parts of the CNN article.....

"The scientific community is almost monolithic against you in terms of the efficacy of the three products you called 'miracles,' " said McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat. She said she was discouraged by the "false hope" his rhetoric gives viewers and questioned his role "intentional or not, in perpetuating these scams."
"I don't get why you need to say this stuff when you know it's not true. When you have this amazing megaphone, why would you cheapen your show? ... With power comes a great deal of responsibility."
Oz told the panel that he does use "flowery language" to describe certain products on his show but added he believes in them so much he has given them to his family.
"My job, I feel, on the show is to be a cheerleader for the audience, and when they don't think they have hope, when they don't think they can make it happen, I want to look, and I do look everywhere, including in alternative healing traditions, for any evidence that might be supportive to them," Oz said.
Yes, amazingly, Oz brought before Congress. Here's the complete CNN article. 

And, here's what the FTC had to say.

You may notice that Oz used the phrase, alternative healing traditions. Sounds pretty cool, hey? Yep, gosh, we've been using this forever. Healing. Traditional. Folks, people may have been using it forever, but it doesn't work. I'm sure I'm repeating myself; however, it's simple, if something works in the treatment of a disease or illness, it's called MEDICINE! 
It's not called alternative, it's not called complementary, and it's not called integrative.

Yes, I know, this started as a travelogue of sorts. What can I say? Yes, I am still planning on getting out there. Honest. I really am.