Well, here's a set-up that you writing folks might appreciate.
Yes, this is the 7" Kindle Fire and Amazon's keyboard. So far it seems to
be working OK. One complaint (so far) is that there's no delete key. There may
be something else that might work but I haven't taken the time to look. There
were several keyboard options. Many were a little smaller and seemed cramped.
This keyboard seems about as easy to use as my laptop. Plus, if I have a problem
I know it will be resolved by Amazon without hassle. The note-taking software
that's in the photo is Notepad. You may notice the ad at the bottom of
the page. For $ .99 you can get the software without the ads. There are several
note-taking type applications that are free. There is also what seems to be a
complete Microsoft-office-type application that's free. I want to keep it
really simple. I may try a couple more of the simple no-frill applications
before deciding on one that I'm going to permanently use. My plans are just to
type away and every so often send the text as an email. It's painless....a couple of keys and it's in your mail box. Then of
course just copy/paste to your computer. Well, I just now learned something. Yep,
the note taker wasn't working correctly (will spare you the details). So, I
changed the batteries and that fixed it. I had failed to turn the keyboard off
and I guess it's been on almost a week. Yes, turn the keyboard off when you aren't
using it.
Now, if I can just get on the road again and use this thing.
At the risk of being a shill for Amazon, I think this set-up is
great. The Kindle Fire's are way down in price. OK, I just checked. It seems
one my size is as low as $139, I think mine's the HD which is now $229. The
keyboard is about $30. Soooo, for about $260 you'll be all set. In case you
don't know, of course you can use the Fire for Internet and all kinds of
Note: 28MM lens used. Things closer to the camera look bigger in proportion to things further from the camera. |
Also, if you are a Prime member you can watch a trillion moves and music and no-telling what else. And, you get a free book each month. Oh, well. Anyway, this is surely an easy way to be able to write while you're on the road.
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