For about a year I've been using a lamp on my desk that has a chimney, like an oil lamp.
Because of the chimney, I could only use a small light bulb, a max of 60 watts.
A few months ago I took my small light bulb to CVS to see if I could find a higher wattage bulb that would fit. Anyway, I ended-up buying a 100 watt compact fluorescent bulb. As I best remember, it was guaranteed for seven years. It cost eight bucks.
The bulb fit and I like the increased light. As I tossed the box and receipt I wondered if I'd regret it. I am unorganized. Figured even if I kept the box and receipt I'd never be able to find them. Also, I figured that if it worked for a couple of years, that would be fine.
So, yes, the bulb crapped-out last night.
When I went to CVS today to get a replacement I figured I may well be in for a battle. I knew they would ask for a receipt. I have a CVS card and figured they could see my purchase by looking at my card. Also, would be insulted if they questioned whether I purchased it at their store.
The clerk of course called the manager. She was most likely in her 50s. I told her my story.
You can't exchange it if you don't have the box. I'd have no way of sending it back. (Because there's not a box you can't send it back? Well, that doesn't make sense to me, but I didn't mention that.)
Well, that's fine, I'll give you the box from the new one. (BTW, she seemed put out and hostile when she came to the front of the store to talk to me.)
She looked at the clerk, said OK, and literally stormed off without eye contact or a word to me.
I briefly thought about tracking her down and telling her she shouldn't treat her customers as she treated me. But, I figured, what the heck. She surely wouldn't change her attitude...and, maybe she was just having a shitty day (though frankly, I think it was who she is.....).
Hey, maybe she could put on her resume that she earned my second Craphead Award!
The Beginning....
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