The Beginning....

The Beginning....
When William Least Heat-Moon toured the country many years ago, his steed, if you will, was a van that he named Ghost Dancing. His journey of America was 13,000 miles. His book is Blue Highways, A Journey Into America. My steed will be a Subaru WRX (traded for an XV Crosstrek). My travels will be, what in the past were called, the blue highways of Virginia. Years ago, maps showed secondary roads in blue. Yes, the ones less traveled.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

What in the Hell is Wrong With Us? Yes, the US! Bringing Thousands of Refugees From Syria!

Secretary of State Kerry said we will be taking 85,000 refugees in 2016 and 100,000 in 2017. OK, the obvious. 

Where in the hell are we going to get the money to help these people?

Do we really want 185,000 more Muslims coming to our country? Take a look at England and some of the European countries to see how they're doing with the Muslims. And, the obvious is simple. Regardless of any screening that we try to do we're going to have some terrorists coming here... Period. No, I'm not saying all Muslims are terrorist. But, are we willing to knowingly allow terrorists come to our country?

And, where are these folks going to stay?

OK, I'm sure I'm naive and don't have the big picture...but, what about our folks, our citizens who are living on the street, our mentally ill who can't get the treatment they need, our veterans who are backed-up at our VA hospitals......

The following is from a CNN article September 23, 2015.

"America's Skid Row sits in downtown Los Angeles.
This pocket of 2,000 men and women constitutes the nation's biggest concentration of homeless people living and sleeping on public sidewalks, in scattered camps under tarps. Not surprisingly, sanitary conditions are appalling.
Skid Row is a 54-block area that has the largest homeless number of individuals in the country, said Jerry Jones, executive director of the National Coalition for the Homeless.
New York City has the largest homeless population, but Los Angeles has the
highest unsheltered population in the country, which has led to the destitution you see today, he added.
New York City's unique right-to-shelter mandate ensures "temporary emergency shelter to every man, woman, and child who is eligible for services, every night," the city's website says.
But not in Los Angeles, where two-thirds of the county's 40,000 homeless people are unsheltered, Jones said.
So many live on the streets of downtown Los Angeles -- and elsewhere."
I once did a short essay, that I think I called Budget By Conscience. My argument was simple. We categorize what we must do. For instance, what services must we have? OK, not a complete list but you'll get the idea.

Police and fire protection
Take care of the homeless...shelter, food, medical
Armed forces
Health care and treatment for all

And, then go from there. We will have what we call the must haves..... And, we must take care of those before pissing away money on what we call pork barrel and bullshit projects such as Palin's bridge to nowhere.

So, here's the money available......   
$ XXX,XXX,XXX,XXX (without increasing taxes and such)
Must have services cost  $ YYY,YYY,YYY,YYY

If we don't have enough to do the must have services then we cut somewhere or get some more money from taxes or what-have-you.

We spend millions every year looking at and testing so-called complementary and alternative medicine. It's all bullshit and you can test it forever and it's not going to work. Period!

No fancy offices for anyone.

Cut all congressional expenses in the federal, state, and local governments. With all the technologies we have why should we spend money to send government employees all over for so-called workshops and conferences.

OK, folks..... I could go on and on but I'm out of steam. I think you get the idea.

EDIT: Yes, this is poorly written. My points are simple. Look around the world at what the Muslims are doing. I'm all for welcoming anyone who wants to come to our country and become an American and assimilate (hey, I can use that word-I have a degree in sociology). All others need to stay where they are. And, let's take care of our own before spending money on others.

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