And, yes, I buried that Palin remark deeply enough so that it just surfaced again, when Palin endorsed Trump.
At the beginning, I truly liked Bernie. No, I'm not going to go into the whys. The fact that he says what he thinks and is honest is enough to separate him from most politicians.
Yes, I'm one of the few who watched the recent Democratic debate. I said then, I'd vote for Trump over Clinton. Anyone, other than Clinton.
And, now Palin shows.....
Is Trump pandering, or does he really think having Palin endorse him is meaningful?
Thankfully, our country seems able to weather all storms, at least until now. Governed by a bunch of mainly corrupt and or sleazy politicians who are bought by those with the biggest bucks, our country has made horrible decisions that have destroyed so many lives since we last decided we wanted to go to war.
If I believed in a god, I'd start praying that Bernie topples them all.
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