The Beginning....

The Beginning....
When William Least Heat-Moon toured the country many years ago, his steed, if you will, was a van that he named Ghost Dancing. His journey of America was 13,000 miles. His book is Blue Highways, A Journey Into America. My steed will be a Subaru WRX (traded for an XV Crosstrek). My travels will be, what in the past were called, the blue highways of Virginia. Years ago, maps showed secondary roads in blue. Yes, the ones less traveled.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

With All of the Horrible Things Going on in the World......Maybe it's Time for a Little Levity????

 The average guy would be delighted if he could get one person naked. Spencer Tunick gets thousands naked. And, he's been doing it for years. Here's his latest project as reported by the Guardian.

EDIT:  As an afterthought, maybe we all need to get naked. Well, everyone but me!!!!!!


  1. Women can be naked, for men, it's just a guy with his pants off :-(

  2. Mark, as always, thanks for stopping by. Yep, you're right on this one.....


