The Beginning....

The Beginning....
When William Least Heat-Moon toured the country many years ago, his steed, if you will, was a van that he named Ghost Dancing. His journey of America was 13,000 miles. His book is Blue Highways, A Journey Into America. My steed will be a Subaru WRX (traded for an XV Crosstrek). My travels will be, what in the past were called, the blue highways of Virginia. Years ago, maps showed secondary roads in blue. Yes, the ones less traveled.

Monday, December 31, 2018

It's December 31, 2018...Happy New Year's Eve and Happy New Year 2019!!!!!!!!

Not sure exactly how this idea started. But, anyway, here's some music that I like. Yes, there are some ukulele songs. I have a bunch of ukuleles and can't play worth a darn, though a resolution may be to try again.

I also have two Strumsticks. Remember, excess is the spice of life. Strumsticks have three strings.

Where was I? Let's see, when Baby Jesus calls us home, how will you be remembered and known? By the friends you kept, your philosophy of life, your charitable giving, volunteer work, how many brewskis you could down in an evening, number of cars you've wrecked, number of babes who dumped you, the books you read...and, how about the music you listened to?

Oh, well. That said, here's some of the music I like.

Actually, I think my blog is starting to remind me of some kid's Facebook page. Next, I'll be posting my grocery shopping list. Oh, well.

For you New Age Folks, please watch the Tim Minchin video.

Truth in Advertising Year (2018) in Review

Sadly, many of us just get screwed over and over. Yep, we're the ones who fall for all of the BS advertising. Make our brains stronger, get rid of our cancer, lose 45 pounds in 23 days with no exercise or dieting, treat all of our ailments with natural ingredients, make our weiners bigger, and on and on. 

Not going to spend a lot of time on this-it's your money and health. Click on the link below and spend a few minutes. You might actually learn something (OK, that sounds a little snarky.) Honest. You can also get on their mailing list.

Here's the link. CLICK IT!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

I'm a Fan of the Coen Brothers. Are You?

Watch this great clip from their latest movie, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs.

EDIT: Found another trailer.

EDIT: Ahh, found another. Can you have too many of these????

EDIT, yes, again. The Coen's top ten movies.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Ahh, How Did Trump do in 2018? What do You Folks Think? Still "Proudly" Wearing Your Red Hats?

Remember these words? 

“Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart … I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius … and a very stable genius at that!”

For a few seconds, think about what Trump said. "...A VERY STABLE GENIUS...."

Here's the link to the Guardian article about how our president did in 2018.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Please Read This Post, It's Important. Truly is. Hey, if You Read This Post I'll Never Ask You to Read Anything Else I Write. Honest!!!!!

Here's the link! Please read in its entirety,   

Read What Can Happen When You Religiously Disabled Morons Don't Get Your Kids Vaccinated!!!

Link to the article. My ire is directed to you jerks who get your medical advice from religion, chiropractors, naturopaths, homeopaths, and for cryin' out loud, fuckin' movie stars.

Yep, Like Whack-a-Mole.... They Just Keep Coming!!!! Religious Zealots. This Time a State Senator. Guess Which State? Yep, Arkansas.

Read the article. I would say you won't believe it but... Oh, well. Basically, he wants laws to follow Biblical Teachings. And, he's forming an association or whatever you want to call it of Christian lawmakers. Hey, he could surely get Pence involved, I'm sure.

Today if December 25, 2018. Yep, Folks are Celebrating the Birth of Baby Jesus. Merry Christmas, all.

I'm sure you folks want to read the article about this billboard.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Any of You Folks Race Fans? You Ain't Seen Nothin'!!!

In 1945, when I was six, my dad took me to my first race. Since then I've followed racing, watching just about everything, including, yes, lawnmower racing. The 24 Hours of LeMons is truly unique. Read the article from Autoweek. Basically, the rules state you start with a car that cost no more than $500. That's right, $500. Of course, they do not count safety equipment that must be added. The creativity of these racers put all other forms of racing to shame.

EDIT: BTW, all of the races are endurance races, I believe some are 24 hours.

Read the Autoweek article.

Yes, Another "FUCK A COW" Post!!!! Police Department Says Satan is Causing Crime Increase. Need to Turn to, Yes, Good Old GOD!!!!

Opp Police Department, yes, in good old ALABAMA, says the citizens need to embrace God and not Satan. The department is blaming Satan for the increase in crime. You know, the citizens aren't embracing God like they should. Interestingly, it would seem that in their viewpoint God is not strong enough, or whatever term you want to use, to overcome the dreaded influence and power of Satan. Dang, and it is almost 2019!!!!! Hey, take their guns away for cryin' out loud.

Here's the article from the Huffington Post.

Trump Epitomizes the Spoiled Brat!!!!

You've seen them. Yes, the spoiled brats. They start young. When they don't get their way they throw a tantrum, sulk, yell, scream, and so on. Then we feed into their bratdom by giving in. Buying the toy they want but don't deserve and so on.

Sadly, many continue this brat behavior their entire life. And, President Trump is the best example. He just shut down our government because he didn't get his way. It's always him! Not our citizens, our country, our's always him. And, many of you misguided souls voted for him. Still wearing your RED HATS???????

Friday, December 21, 2018

Do Your Kids Read and Write? Can Your Kids Read and Write?

Have been meaning to have a post about adults who don't read. But, first, a few words about kids. No particular age, just kids.

How many of you know of kids who sit in the corner and read and write stories? Hmm. How many of you know of kids who are always messin' with their so-called smartphone and playin' with an XBox or whatever they are called?

Though I surely know little to be true I would guess that kids who don't read will be adults who don't read. And, I just think that's pretty sad. The latest statistics I've seen say that only about 75% of us read a book or more a year. How many of the 75% are counted because of only one book, I do not know, Think about that, one in every four adults do not even read one book a year.

Have any of you folks heard of or know about Story Cubes? Ahh, if you don't know about them take a look here.

These CUBES will definitely get your kids thinking and making up stories. Stories they could continue by writing them. BTW, these cubes are good for so-called adults, Get them for your kids and try them. Put them in a cloth sack and carry them on trips or even going out to dinner.

And, yes, I have a 55-word story.

Pen and Paper-So Much Potential

“What do you mean?”
“You can write.”
“Great American novel, poetry, short stories, satire, politics, philosophy, and on and on.”
Gave him pen and paper.
“Now what?”
“Just write….”
“Ahh, what?”
“Anything that comes to you.”
“This is a lot of fun man, but, hey, I need to get back to my Xbox.” 

GO BUY THESE STORY CUBES! Amazon, of course, and I think that Barnes & Noble stocks them.

Here's a link to Story Cubes.

Here's a link to a video. How you can use the Cubes.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Ahh, after the Virgin Birth posting, maybe it's time for a levity break?????

All of these images are from imgflip. They are not mine. I did not make them. That said, I encourage you to visit and create your own. There are scads of images, all you need to bring is your imagination.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays (yes, I truly mean that)....and, the Virgin Birth.

Christian or not you got to admit this is a funny postcard. And, why am I posting this at Christmas time? Actually, there's no better time. Remember folks, as someone much smarter than I said, "Blasphemy is a victimless crime."

OK, will admit some of the God (yes, I'll use god as a proper noun) stuff confuses me and is, well, baffling. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is truly confusing. As I understand it they all three somehow end-up being God?? Hmm, like putting three things in a blender and end-up with something else????

Oh, well.

Anyway, wanted to just briefly mention the virgin birth. 

What's the deal with that? Did Baby Jesus arrive in the usual way or did He by magic just materialize? I had thought of adding more about this but will just let it go for now.

So to you folks who celebrate Christmas, I do sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas and hope the holidays are the best ever for you and yours.

And, I'll add to the insult, so to speak, by posting my 55-word story about the BIRTH!

The Real Story Behind the Virgin Birth

They jammed themselves into the small area and crowded around the manger.
“What’s going on?”
“Mary’s going to have a virgin birth.”
“No way!”
“How does it work?”
“Not sure.”
“It’s rumored God does it this way so he doesn’t have to pay any more child support. He’s already on the hook for six kids.”

If any of you folks have actual evidence that your God exists, please send me a comment. Remember, EVIDENCE, folks. 

EDIT: December 19, 2018

OK, I just can't or won't resist. Enquiring minds want to know. Yes, this is what some would call the yucky part that I was going to avoid. That said....

OK, now was Jesus like a regular human? Or, was because he was special was he some-type of alien form? You know, some supernatural kind of being.

I'm assuming a human form. Now, wouldn't there have to be some sperm involved if he's a regular human being?

Soooooo, ladies and gentlemen, how did the old sperm get in Mary? Did the Holy Spirit jam it in there or did Mary go to an in-vitro clinic?


Also, what's old Joseph doing all this time? Which brings me to the question, are they married-Mary and Joseph? If not married, wouldn't that make Jesus the B-word? 

Now, back in those days didn't husbands have rights? You know???? And, didn't old God give all humans the sex drive? Yes, you know where I'm going here. Sooooo, if Joseph wanted to do you-know-what what did Mary do? Pray, or just smack the crap out of him?

Now, if God really set all this up....he did a really crappy job. In addition to the above debacle, how about the no room at the inn. A reasonable person would have slipped Joseph a few bucks so he could have stayed at a Holiday Inn or at least at a Motel Six, for cryin' out loud.

I think we could all agree that whoever dreamed this mess up was at a minimum a lousy events planner.

Oh, well. Yes, I think I've spent enough time on this.
If you want to celebrate or make a spectacle of a birth, I'd definitely seek another events' planner.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Is it Possible for Something to Be Negative but Have Some Positives? We Now Have Dermophis donaldtrumpi!!!!

Ahh, yes. I was speaking of our president, Donald Trump. We all will admit he's made the lives of our late night talk show hosts much easier. There's always fodder for the shows readily plucked from the news of Trump's latest lies or fuck-ups. But, here's a good one. We shouldn't name a library after him or, heck, even a street-but a worm-looking thing I think would be perfect. The worm thing is blind and buries its head in the sand. Take a look.

Hmm. Just learned there's also a moth named after him. And, a poisonous caterpillar and a pheasant. So when Trump is no longer president, he may not be able to claim he was rated the best but he can surely claim no other president can top him in the number of insects and worms named after him.

Friday, November 30, 2018

I Have a NEW/ANOTHER Blog, Would You Take a Look?

Yes, as with many things that I do...This was impulsive. I saw another site with news and I decided I wanted one.

The name of my new blog is "Could This Be News?"

Would truly appreciate any comments...either on the blog or send me an email. 

EDIT: No, it's not going to be all Trump. But, we can all admit trying to keep up with him is more than a fulltime job. And, as you're reading this, if you have your "red hat" on, what can be said? I hope that you folks with the red hats will take a look. Hey, I'm always interested in learning new things and proven to be wrong. Let's see, there's an old saying, "Often wrong, but never in doubt."

I'm the one with glasses.... RIP Sophie, January 15, 2017

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Trump is Like a Huge Malignant Tumor...Getting Larger and Larger....

I have a bunch of stuff in my draft folder but frankly need to take a break. We sadly, have a president out of control and who is absolutely clueless. Here's link to a Guardian article. And, here's one quote from the article.

It all became so much that on Wednesday, Michael Steele, the former chairman of the Republican National Committee, tweeted that Trump should “just shut the hell up and get on the helicopter. Give us a rest from your crazy. You don’t know the 9th circuit from a circuit breaker. It’s Thanksgiving for crying out loud. Let us be thankful for your silence. You’ve said enough this week.”

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Well, The Guardian and Seth Meyers did a much better job than I could've...

I've been frothing at the mouth to post a comment about
Whitaker. As folks say, "You can't make this up."

Whitaker is another grifter and that's a fact. I don't understand how you folks can still walk around with those Red Hats. Aren't you just the least bit embarrassed? Oh, you have eight more hats in your closet, just in case.

Anyway, here's the link to The Guardian article and Seth Meyers.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Among It All, A Ray Of Sunshine!!! Dalton Shaffer Brightened My Day And Reminded Me That There Are Good People Doing Good Things.

Photo courtesy CNN
Obviously, I can only speak for myself. That said, the killing of Jamal Khashoggi and the ongoing antics of Trump and his reaction to the murder of the journalist...well, it's been sort of depressing. Actually, more than sort of. I sure hope I live long enough to see Trump and his entire dreadful family out of our White House! 

And, here is the ray of sunshine. Please read the CNN article.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Hurricane Florence is Devastating Our Neighbors to the South. And, What Are You Christian Apologists Saying????

September 14, 2018

Hurricane Florence has made landfall to the south of us (I live in Tidewater Virginia....Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth, etc.). Our neighbors are stranded, flooded, without electricity, and some have died. So, let's think a minute about your so-called God (OK, I'll use caps).

You claim He's all-powerful. And, that He can do anything. So, what's the deal with the hurricane? It would seem either He planned this and put it in motion or just stood by and watched it happen without interfering. Hmm. Well. Sooo, no power or doesn't care?

Some preachers always claim old God brought on a hurricane because of homosexuals, same-sex marriage, and so on. What kind of God would punish us for something that He created? And, just for the sake of talking, let's say He sent the hurricane because of homosexuals,,, hey, the hurricane does not discriminate. It kills, injures, and devastates all of us.

What's that about answering all prayers? Oh, He answers them just maybe not the answer you asked for!!! Well...think about that! Old God can't go wrong on this one.  So, why do you bother praying, for cryin' out loud? Folks, pray, don't pray...the outcome will be the same!

UPDATE:  Midnight, September 14, 2018. Well, our area was spared, if you will. So, what are you religious folks doing? Yep, down on your knees praying to this so-called God and thanking Him for sparing you, your family, and your neighbors. Think for a minute, if you're able. What's so special about you and yours that old God spared you and not our neighbors to the south.

OK, OK, yes, this is poorly written and I'm sort of pissed off that in 2018 there are still so many of you who believe all of this bullshit. This Sunday, you'll trudge off to your so-called places of worship to hear your ministers babbling on about a God who spared you.

Hey, it's your life. Waste it as you will.