Last Friday, after speaking with an assistant to Secretary Carey, I sent an email to the office of the Secretary of Health and Human Resources (see part three for a copy of the letter).
Yesterday, I sent the following email to Senator Frank Wagner, who represents my area of Virginia.
Hi Senator,
Would it concern you if some doctors in our area (Virginia Beach) are using treatments that not only don't work but can't work?
My complaint to the Board of Medicine seems to have fallen on deaf ears.
Hoping your week goes well, I remain
George (Callender)
Shortly after starting my crusade or whatever you want to call it, I realized that my major problem was that I have no STANDING! By that I mean, no one is going to listen to or pay attention to me. Who has standing?
My opinion, obviously: Retired generals and admirals, sports stars, politicians, lawyers, doctors, Ph.D. college professors, HS coaches, pastors*, folks who make large political donations, millionaire business owners, and so on.
*Yesterday, I realized that I'm a reverend. Honest, I am. And, I'd be willing to bet you, if I had started this crusade calling myself Reverend George, folks would have paid attention to me. Ironic, hey, if I believe in myths and superstitions and shun science, they would listen to me. Amazing! We so-called humans sure are funny folks.
Soooooo, now what? Think I will wait until Friday. If no answers by then, I'm going to check with Jennifer at the Secretary's office and see if they received my email. If they did, then I guess the next stop is the governor's office and also the state attorney generals' office about consumer fraud. You know, the suck the toxins out...and, so on.
Stay tuned!!!!
Stay tuned!!!!
Using the Rev. title is always a good idea...