The Beginning....

The Beginning....
When William Least Heat-Moon toured the country many years ago, his steed, if you will, was a van that he named Ghost Dancing. His journey of America was 13,000 miles. His book is Blue Highways, A Journey Into America. My steed will be a Subaru WRX (traded for an XV Crosstrek). My travels will be, what in the past were called, the blue highways of Virginia. Years ago, maps showed secondary roads in blue. Yes, the ones less traveled.

Monday, August 31, 2015

I May Have the Pocket Knife Virus?????

This is a re-post from another of my blogs..... May 2013 

Yes, I may have the pocket knife virus. No, it's not medically  fatal, though at the present
time there is no known anecdote; however, it will leave your checkbook in tatters. Some have suggested 12-Step Programs for those who feel they need help. Some say, just sit back and enjoy it. Others say it's some kind of devil at work. The best I can do is to try to track its history and see how it came about or happened. When did I get infected by the virus?

For the past more than 40 years I've carried a Swiss Army Knife Classic on my key chain. An earlier post has a photo of the Classic.

And, I've for years had a few Case and Buck knives around. A couple of years ago I bought a bunch of SAK (Swiss Army Knife). And, a few months back started filling in my accumulation with the alox models. Over this period of time, the virus was most likely festering, I would occasionally look at knives on the Internet and wonder how in the world people could pay over thirty or forty dollars for a darn knife.

OK, let's see, what happened next? What really allowed the virus to gain the upper hand and thwart all of my, well...common sense, limited as though it is?

Yes, I happened upon a Website devoted to a famous name in the cutlery world from years ago. Yes, two fellows, Mike and Derek, who had been collecting his knives and studying his history, decided to resurrect his name and start manufacturing pocket knives from a bygone era. They were going to drag up out of the ashes, like a Phoenix rising, the name of JBF Champlin who manufactured a complete line of cutlery many years ago. Anyway, go here and take a look even if you have no interest in knives. It's a fascinating story.

In order to do this they met with the folks at Great Eastern Cutlery (GEC). GEC is a fairly new company to the knife world, established just a few years ago. They, GEC, brought back a couple of old names from the early years of the cutlery business; Northwood and Tidioute and started producing quality knives in small quantities, using the best of the old world handmade techniques along with modern precision machinery.

OK, where was I?

Anyway, Mike went to the old factory where the JBF Champlin knives had been made. The roof had literally fallen in...not ready to of it had fallen. As I best remember, he'd gone to the factory hoping to maybe gather up some floor panelling or some type of wood to use in making the knives' handles. Instead, he found a bunch of rosewood blank handles.

Anyway, let me go forward a little bit.

I found out about all of this after they'd (GEC) made the first group of knives. The pattern was known as tear drop and they were made with ebony and stag handles. They'd made 50 of each and they were sold out.


Anyway, found that they were making a second group, fifty each, of a pattern (knife folks seem to call the style of the knife the pattern, I think) called Eureka jack. For this series they were making them in stag and yes, using the redwood Mike had gathered from the factory. OK. I got on the list for one of each. Shortly after I received my knives, the stag being a gift to my brother, Mike called and said he'd located an ebony model from the first group. Yes, I bought that which is in the photo. 

And, no I ain't tellin' how much it cost (less than an OK used car).

Anyway, if any of you folks have an interest in getting on the list for the next knife you can find Mike's email address at the JBF Website. Hey, own a piece of history.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Enough is Enough! Really..... Too Funny? Actually, Too Sad!

I'm on, well....a neighbor forum, I guess I would call it that. I'm sure it's national. Anyway, I get emails when things are added. Yes, from my and surrounding neighborhoods.

Folks use it to advertise stuff for sale, ask for recommendations for plumbers, wanting a baby sitter... Well, you get the idea.

Anyway, a few weeks ago someone advertised, yes, a supplement. Hmmm, I thought. Then a couple of days ago another supplement was advertised....and, of course, immediately we get a testimonial: I'm so and so's neighbor. I've been taking XXXXX for two weeks. I've lost 40 pounds, sleep better, can run the mile in five minutes, my vision is now perfect, my IQ jumped 37 points, I no longer have diabetes, and somewhat surprisingly, I now speak Russian fluently.

Then today, one popped-up advertising some kind of lemon-drop mess....with a dang map of the foot and where you put the lemon drops or some such thing. And, this person most likely isn't even embarrassed.

So, I posted the following and have yet to get a comment....

Wow, over the past few weeks we’ve had supplements advertised….yes, for those of us concerned about our health. And, now there seems to be some kinda-magic lemon drops.

OK, I want to toss my hat in the ring. 

Have you guys heard of Reiki? Yep, good old energy healing. The cool thing about Reiki is it can be done remotely. That’s correct….it can be sent through the air to you. I’ll spare you the details of how it all works.

Now, do I guarantee I can make your health better? NOPE! If fact, I guarantee you should experience no difference in your life. Well, except in your pocket book or wallet. Actually, you could and may feel better, subjectively, after I send you a treatment. If you want to give me credit, please do and tell your neighbors

Actually, thousands of folks get these treatments and swear by them. I'm not kidding. You'll love Doctor Oz's wife is a Reiki Master. I fess up, I'm not a Master. Full disclosure: I was in a cave in the Himalayas for three years developing an advanced type of Reiki. What can I say???

Here’s the deal…and, yes, we’ll be on the honor system. I’ll send you out some Reiki energy for $25 a treatment. You stroke a check to one of our local rescue squads: Ocean Park, Davis Corner, or Chesapeake Beach. Yes, I’ve used them all.

Now, when you drop the check in the mail let me know and I’ll send you the energy.

This is really a win-win deal. I guarantee no side effects and no harm and our rescue volunteers will be pleased. Yes, this is what neighbors are for.

Moderator…I’m asking you leave this post where it is. If others can advertise their “get a healthy life products” it seems as though I should be able to place my ad.

I am surely not making fun of my neighbors and frankly, I would say I am more concerned than most about the health of my neighbors and friends.

May we all make evidence-based decisions about our health and well-being.



When Are People Going to Accept and Acknowledge That Prayer Doesn't Work and Is A Waste of Time?

"Pope Francis is urging people to work together to stop crimes against migrants, including the 71
who perished in a smuggler's truck on the main Budapest-Vienna highway.

Francis on Sunday invited faithful in St. Peter's Square in Rome to pray silently with him for migrants who die "on their terrible journeys." He also prayed that God would "help us to cooperate effectively to impede these crimes, which offend the entire human family." Francis noted Vienna's cardinal was in the square." 

This from an AP article dated August 30, 2015.

If prayers were answered these people wouldn't be dead. Period. So, now after they are dead you're praying. Come on folks.

OK, enough of this....

Want a little project? Want to exercise your brain a little? Look up the following:

confirmation bias
cognitive dissonance
motivated reasoning

Yes, the above will help you understand why we all do things that make no sense. Why we all believe things that make no sense. (BTW folks, not that it's important...I'm right there with you. Though, frankly, I don't fall for the big ones like god(s), prayers, and all of the so-called complementary and alternative medicine bullshit, psychics (for cryin' out loud), astrologers, and all the rest.)

Give your brain a chance!!!!

OK, I broke one of my rules. I posted when ticked off....

Thursday, August 27, 2015

How Can You Tell When You're Getting Old?

Should I really be posting something about myself? Something personal? Hmmm....

I often say at my age, I say what I want. Often, my big mouth may not serve me well. Especially when I spout off about religion. Often pose the question, Are you a believer? A positive yes response will normally get a, That's too bad.

Back to the old part of this.

Last night had dinner my my friend, Mr. Charlie. For a couple of years or so, we've been meeting at the No Frill Grill and have absolutely perfect service, thanks to Shelby. And, the food is usually pretty good. I can never remember how old he is, though he is younger than I. But, I'm sure he's over 70 (EDIT: Mr. Charlie let me know he's 72).

We swapped old stories. We each had one.

The wind was blowing. Strongly. 
Dang, I look angry or something. 
Mr. and Mrs. C were in London recently. And, they, in addition to using cabs, also rode the buses. Mr. C, said he knew he was old when people started hopping up from their seats and offering them to him. Yes, he told me...I knew I was the gates of oldness (my words).

And, my oldness story. A few days ago, was at my Kroger's (yes, I own stock). I was somewhat bent over looking at the nuts on the bottom shelf.

Sir, may I help you get something?   
I got up and turned. Here was this absolutely plain woman, no make-up, in her 40s or 50s, who was strikingly attractive.

Thanks, ma'am. I greatly appreciate it. I smiled. Maybe you could help me up once I get down.

What a delightful lady....

Yes, Mr. C and I agree we've turned the corner or whatever term you want to use, on being old. We are there.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Guy Martin is My Hero! Well, He's My Motorsports Hero, That's for Sure....

OK, I fess up. I've been fascinated for many years by the Isle of Man motorcycle races. And. for
several years I've followed the exploits of Guy Martin. This young fellow has done it all (well, just about all).

I'm not going to spend a lot of time...if you're interested do a search. I believe I watched a TV segment where he was tracking down the perfect tea. He also bought a barge and completely refurbished it. He holds a record on a bicycle and a sled (yes, a snow sled).

Guy speaks with BBC about the dangers of motorcycle racing.

Guy was scheduled to make a record attempt at Bonneville, but a recent crash has caused the attempt

to be canceled for this year.

You could start with wikipedia.

Yes, Guy has his bad days.... Isle of Man, 2010.

In the center on the right, it looks like a stick or small log? it's dark... That's Guy's leg. And, the gas tank is in the air.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Life and the Human Condition in Six Words? Another Project Doomed to Fail?

Other than running my mouth on several blogs, I have two writing projects I'm trying to

Yes, still trying to finish my second book of fifty-five word stories and have started a book using six words. They all aren't stories in the usual sense of the word....some may be rants, quips, observations, get the idea. And, many may well be just silly. 

I'm starting with over 200 of them (six words) and not sure how many will survive my editing. 

Your comments, as always, would be appreciated. Post them here or send me an email.

This contribution by my pal, Mark...

OK, I can't or won't help myself. Yes, just a few on religion...... Hey, don't go nuts! 

"Have faith and send lots of money." Talk about shearing of the sheep!

And, accomplish nothing!

And look like fools!

When whacked-out religious zealots are allowed to keep their kids from getting vaccinated....society has failed us! 
Any sane person will see this for what it is. CHILD ABUSE!
Lookup "Jesus Camp."

Well, enough of this. Wow, is religion a downer..... I had been in a good longer am!