There are times when I get an idea for a comment or posting or whatever you want to call it and I sit down and write it and that's that. More often though, I get an idea and save it as a draft. The draft folder just sits here on my blog until I finish it. As I type this I have 341 articles/comments posted and 193 saved as drafts. Dang, that's a lot.
So, where am I going with this? Life is finite. From the moment we're born the clock is ticking and we're facing the end if you will. And, unless we visit psychics or astrologers, or have Baby Jesus on our speed dial, that last or end date is not known.
So, I guess we could ask would a thinking person parcel out the time that's left, try to make the best use of it, and as some say, remember that all time is precious. And, what would constitute the best use of our time? Would watching a mindless TV program that we say provides enjoyment and entertainment have the same value as reading a history book, solving a crossword, putting together an airplane model, going for a walk, spending time in a church praying, working on a stamp collection, writing a letter to an elderly aunt, or sitting in a bar slurping up the suds? What do you folks think?
OK, now back to the subject. As I'm surely not a trained journalist, my writing style, to use that term, varies with how pissed-off I am. You know, how much venom I spew and how often I use the F-word. When I put this in my draft folder I was truly ticked off, but as I write this now I'm sort of normal, whatever that may mean. So, here goes.
The catalyst for most of my rants is to try to get folks' attention and hope that they'll stop pissing their money away on chiropractors, fuckin' Reiki masters, psychics, astrologers, and so on. Also, it'd be nice if some of you religious folks open your eyes and tell your priest, minister, or preacher to fuck off!
OK, back to the subject at hand, energy healing. Now, if you folks don't know what energy healing is take a look here at one of my comments.
There's a lady, Rachel, who writes about Kindle Fires. Yes, Amazon Kindle Fires. She has a terrific website with a ton of great information. She lists useful applications, compares the different models, and alerts you to sales. Yes, I'm signed up for email alerts when she has new information.
A few days ago I got an email. Wow! Yes, old Rachel has gone over to the other side, in a big way. Yes, Rachel-Kindle-Fire lady is now, yes, RACHEL THE ENERGY-HEALER LADY!
And, how did Rachel go down the rabbit hole of delusion and ignorance? Simple!
As I best understand it she was having problems and rushed to her chiropractor for help. For those of you who don't know, if you want an overload of bullshit and magical thinking, hey, visit a chiropractor. The chiropractor she visited also just happened to be peddling his own version of energy healing bullshit.
This link will take you to his site.
So, after spending about $2000 Rachel is now in the healing business. Yep, she proudly talks about her two certificates.
And, what types of problems can Rachel help you with?
The following is from her site.
Symptoms and Issues Helped by Emotion and Body Code (BTW, Emotion and Body Code is what Rachel is trained in and has those darn certificates to prove it.)
Abdominal Pain Aching Muscles Acid Reflux ADD/ADHD Addiction Allergies Anxiety Arthritis Asthma Back Pain Bedwetting Carpal Tunnel Chest Pain Constipation Cramps Depression Diabetes Digestive Issues Eating Disorders Eye Pain Failure Fatigue Fear Headaches Heartburn Hip Pain Hormonal Problems Impotency Inability to Find Love Infertility Insomnia Irritable Bowel (IBS) Isolation Joint Pain Knee Pain Learning Disabilities Low Back Pain Migraines Money Struggles Morning Sickness Neck Pain Night Terrors Panic Attacks Phobias PTSD Sciatica Self-Sabotage Sinus Problems Skin Problems Stress Suicidal Tendencies Thyroid Issues Vertigo ...and many more
OK, think along with me for a couple of minutes. Someone who's gullible and naive at a minimum, and plops down a couple of grand and they are a healer who can take care of the above-listed illnesses, sicknesses, and maladies?
Dang, the next time I visit my GP I'm going to tell her she sure pissed away her time and money by going to medical school. Ole Rachel can take care of just about anything...actually, just looked at the list again...guess I could say Rachel is the Swiss Army Knife of healers.
Looking at Rachel's list again the only medical problems not mentioned are heart attacks, cancers, and strokes. Hmm. Surely, the chiropractor is working on a third certificate to cover those problems. Wait, there's nothing listed on Rachel's What-she-can-help-with about the lottery!!!!! Dang.
Who are these people who claim they can heal you? Are they outright scammers and thieves or are they believers who are clueless about what they are doing?
I would imagine that most are believers. Think about this for a minute, Rachel went to a chiropractor who is licensed by his state. He is legally allowed to call himself a doctor, hang out a shingle, and treat customers (or, rubes, if you will). So why wouldn't most of us believe these folks? The state is giving him a license for cryin' out loud.
OK, folks, I've spent too much time on this, and frankly, I've been doing this for over ten years. And, I do get tired of going over the same stuff time after time and sadly, I'm shouting in an empty room. So, I'm going to wrap this up.
This has been sitting around for too long so I'm just going to finish it and get it posted. I have a bunch of links and such...but, enough is enough.
OK, what would I do if all of a sudden I had the ability to heal people (remember all the stuff she can fix)? I would say I'd rush to hospitals and start the healing. But, dang, Rachel can heal from her living room without ever seeing you. So, I could start out by shooting those magic rays all over the place.
Hmm. Again, if I had these magic abilities I'd be banging on the doors of all insurance companies. Hey, I can heal folks without those pesky tests. You know, no MRIs and such. Insurance companies would love me.
Then I'd make a beeline to the American Medical Association, I'm sure they would be interested in my healing abilities.
The Beginning....

When William Least Heat-Moon toured the country many years ago, his steed, if you will, was a van that he named Ghost Dancing. His journey of America was 13,000 miles. His book is Blue Highways, A Journey Into America. My steed will be a Subaru WRX (traded for an XV Crosstrek). My travels will be, what in the past were called, the blue highways of Virginia. Years ago, maps showed secondary roads in blue. Yes, the ones less traveled.
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