The Beginning....

The Beginning....
When William Least Heat-Moon toured the country many years ago, his steed, if you will, was a van that he named Ghost Dancing. His journey of America was 13,000 miles. His book is Blue Highways, A Journey Into America. My steed will be a Subaru WRX (traded for an XV Crosstrek). My travels will be, what in the past were called, the blue highways of Virginia. Years ago, maps showed secondary roads in blue. Yes, the ones less traveled.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Religions, Religions...Are There Any Good Ones Out There? You Know, That Are Reasonable and Make Sense?

Sophie, RIP  January 15, 2017
Maybe this will give you a laugh...or maybe it won't. As you can see, I wrote this 10-plus years ago. Hey, can't you think of some improvements that could be made with your God?

Saturday, December 8, 2007
Part One of Interview: Elliott Brown, Time Magazine and George Hudson, Her Holinesses' Personal Assistant...

First off, I'd like to say that I'm honored to be the first person, to...ahh, be granted this type of interview. As I'm sure you know, from time to time there have been rumors...ahh, about, ahh, Her Holiness. However, for the last ten years or so I've followed up with everyone, and the people I've interviewed have all denied any knowledge of Her Holiness. Why is that?

As you know, we in the United States claim that we have religious freedom. And, to some extent that might be true. However, as you well know, religion...that is well, out of the mainstream...has, let's say not always been, ahh...may I say, accepted. Until now, we thought it better to keep what you might call a low profile. We surely didn't want anyone to be offended or anyone's religion to feel threatened.

How did you find out about Saydar, if I may refer to her as such?

George laughed, Surely you can. Well, there wasn't much drama in our first meeting. Actually, she came to the door seeking water. Something to drink and a little to eat. She'd been traveling for days without nourishment.

When was this?

Well, I will just say, it's been a while.

Can she talk? You know, speak English?

Yes, though she prefers not to. She has the ability to communicate by sending out mind thoughts.

Where did she come from? How did all of this happen? How old is she?

She’s been living in the mountains for several thousand years. Off and on I guess you could say. She doesn't talk about how old she is. She always says that that's not important.

Why did she make herself known at this time?

She said that the world is now in such a state that she had to try to help. Try to bring some reason to it all.

What kind of special powers does she have?

Depends on what you call special. She has the ability to communicate with anyone she wants. She can also do mass communication.

Doesn’t she have any really neat know, cause hurricanes, storms, warts, and such?

Saydar is quite modest in showing and talking about her abilities and powers. Real powers don’t need to be flaunted are her feelings.

Doesn’t she ever just, well do something dramatic…you know, to let us know…well, that she’s a goddess?

Why would she do that?

Well, all of the other gods do that.

She will not approve of me saying this, but you know all of those things the other gods do? Like turning water into wine, parting the oceans, making a bush catch on fire?


Well, I don’t want to disappoint you; however, those are tricks any third-rate magician can do. Sorry.

You mean those other gods can’t do all of those, you know…things?

You need to decide that for yourself.

You mean if I pray to Saydar…well, will she answer my prayers?

Let me ask you this. When you pray to your present god, does he or she answer your prayers?

Well, no. But, He only answers them if, well, you know, they are worthy or something.

What do you mean?

Well, the Bible has it all in there. Actually, there are many places in the Bible that say all prayers will be answered. You know, if you’ve signed on so to speak.

Does He also answer all worthy prayers?

Well, it’s kind of complicated.

Try to explain it to me.

Look, sometimes God does something just to, well…you know, test us.

How does that work?

You know, He’ll give someone cancer.

Oh. Yes, I guess that would really test them. But, what’s the purpose of that kind of test?

Well, to see whether or not you’ll keep faith in Him.

Oh, let me see if I have this right. Your God will give a person cancer…to test their faith in Him?

Yeah, that’s right, you got it.

Couldn’t He just ask them?

Oh, no. He’s really busy, He can’t talk to everyone. You know, He talks to Pat Robertson and some others.

Hmm. Again, let me see if I have this right. God has time to give someone cancer but doesn’t have the time to ask them if they believe in Him?

Yes, you’re learning God’s ways. You’ve got it.

OK. I’m a little confused. What if you don’t believe in Him, then what?

Wow, you better watch yourself.

What do you mean?

Hell…don’t you know about Hell? Hmm. You mean she doesn’t threaten anyone like the other gods, you know, follow me or I’ll make your life fucking miserable and throw you into hell and make you burn forever…and never let you have another beer.

Please, please, don’t insult Saydar. She is actually here to see if She can help, the last thing She wants to do is to make you fear Her. That’s not very nice

Well, ahh….hmm…what happens if we don’t worship Her and put Her before everything else in our lives.


What do you mean nothing? She won’t burn us, stone us, ostracize us, strike us with lightning.


What kind of goddess is She?

She’s the kind of goddess who most of us want.

Well, what does She want?

The easiest thing for you to do is to read Sophie’s Journey.

What is Sophie’s Journey?

It’s the teachings of Sophie.

Who is Sophie?

Sophie is Saydar’s real name, her followers started calling Her Saydar. They thought it was a better name for a goddess than Sophie.

Well, what did…ahh, Sophie…or Saydar say about that?

It’s Her feelings that a name really is insignificant. What counts is your teachings and such. Your deeds. A name doesn’t make any difference to Her. A name, as she says, doesn't change who you are or what you do.

Where are the teachings? Sophie’s Journey?


Where did these teachings come from…who recorded them?

Well, many people were involved. I guess you might say her disciples.

Would you tell me a little something about…er, Her. Does she allow that?

Of course She does; however, other than Her teachings there’s not much to tell.

What does She look like, what color hair, you know, that kind of stuff?

Well, not that it’s important, but She has black hair with strands of well, silver…grey.

Hmm. Ahh, is She tall?

No, I don’t think you’d say that.

Well, anything unusual about Her?

OK. If you must know, Saydar is a Bouvier.

Bou..v..ahy? What’s that?

Bouviers originated in Belgium.


What does She wear? Really cool costumes like popes and such?

No, actually She doesn’t.

What does She wear?

Well, actually She doesn't wear anything in the sense that you’re asking.

What does that mean?

Well, it just means She doesn't wear clothes as we generally think of clothes.

I’m confused. Thought clothes were clothes?

Well, they are.

OK, what’s up with…ahh...what am I supposed to call Her?

Well, up to you. As I may have mentioned, some of Her followers call Her Saydar the Magnificent. Some call Her, Goddess of Life. A few refer to Her as Her Holiness. Some say Her Excellency. And, some call Her, well...just plain, Sophie.

You sure She won’t get mad if I refer to Her as Sophie?

George laughed, Why would She get mad? Actually, She doesn’t get mad in the way of thinking that we normally use...and She surely doesn’t get mad the way we humans do. She does get disappointed. Yes, She’s almost in a state of terminal disappointment, especially now looking at the world and what’s going on out there.

Oh, yeah, clothes. What does…ahh…Sophie wear?

As I mentioned, She actually doesn’t wear clothes as there’s no need.

No need? What do you mean?

Well, I hope you can accept this. Sophie is a Bouvier puppy.

A what! Come on man, don’t screw around with me. That’s not funny.

Well, actually She is, I would never fun about Sophie. Why do you find it strange that She's a Goddess and a Bouvier?

That’s stupid. It doesn’t make sense.

You know over the years there have been gods who are birds, dragons, and so on.

Yeah, but they weren't real gods.

In what way weren't they?

Well, you know. People who believed in them…were well…ignorant..or hadn’t yet been told about Almighty God and Jesus, you know what I mean?

Mr. Brown, you are obviously getting upset, and I can understand that. However, this interview is finished. You go away and calm down. I'll be glad to schedule another interview. You know how to get in touch with me. Please spend a little time trying to understand Her. You'd really like Her, Mr. Brown. She is truly a good...ahh...well, Goddess.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Part Two of Interview: Elliott Brown, Time Magazine and George Hudson, Her Holinesses' Personal Assistant...

Mr. Brown, I welcome you again, sir. Have you had some time to reflect on our last meeting? Mr. Brown, maybe I shouldn't say this, but frankly, in our last, well, lost any sense of your reporter's objectivity. Do you realize that?

Well, I'd like to apologize. Yes, I did lose my objectivity. Of course, as you know this is a very emotional subject with all of us.

Thank you. I accept your apology. Would like to continue?

Please. OK, I'm just to start calling her Sophie, if I may.

That will be fine.

OK. Most gods lay claim to creating the universe, as we know it. What does Sophie say about this? Did She create the universe?

Hmmm. That's a complicated question. I'll try to answer it as best I can. Yes, She was around at the creation.

Did She create the earth, is that what you're saying?

The short answer is, yes.

Could you explain how She did it? You know, Her plan. Why She did it? Also, where did She come from?

OK. Let's see. I'll start with the where did She come from. Sophie was born on a planet called Barcornius. The only thing unusual about Her at birth was a red spot on Her forehead. The ancient books of Barcornius had many references to the sign of the Red Spot. It had been predicted and prophesied that a time would come when a savior, to use a word that we understand, would be born and would be identified by the Red Spot.

So, then what happened?

Well, Her parents met with The Council and there was an immediate proclamation that Sophie was the one and had been sent to them for a purpose.

What was the purpose?

Sadly, Barcornius was having troubled times. There were wars raging, disease, and at times almost universal chaos. Sophie had been sent to them to try to improve the society in Barcornius.

What do you mean?

Well, it seems that they wanted Her to take the knowledge that had been gained from the creation of Barcornius, and go forth and form a new society. A society that would too some extent be patterned after Barcornius. Well, let me clarify that. Barcornius was created by Linus the Great, The God of Salvation and Redemption. Sadly, after a few years, he realized that things were not going as planned. So, he said that there would be someone who would be sent to, ah....go forth, use everything learned from Barcornius...and well, to simplify get it right this time.

OK. How did they know Sophie was the one?

George looked into Mr. Brown's eyes. The red spot, Mr. Brown. The red spot. Linus the Great had written that a savior would be sent and that the savior would have a red spot. Ancient teachings, sir. The Big Book of all That's True, the holy book of Linus, had many mentions of the red spot.

Who were Her parents?

Just regular Bouviers, Mr. Brown.

Was this a virgin birth?

George tried to restrain a chuckle, Mr. Brown. No sir. A virgin birth? Hmmm. No sir, Sophie was born into a regular caring Bouvier family. Nothing fancy here, sir. Yes, I know...well, some other gods claim to have been born of a virgin birth. Not sure what that's all about; however, if that's what they want to claim, well...that's their right, I guess.

With all due respect to Sophie, it all sounds somewhat ordinary.

You're right. Would you like more drama? George laughed.

Mr. Brown laughed.

Mr. Brown, sir. I'm sorry to say that there are things I must attend to. I have thoroughly enjoyed this visit. If you would like to come back, I will gladly schedule more time for us.

I would, Mr. Brown said. I would.


OK, folks, yes I seem to be homing in on religion lately. Seems to go in cycles. Anyway, in 2007 I decided to write, to use that term, my own religion. Like most of my projects, it soon went by the wayside to make room for more projects that would also go nowhere.

Please don't dismiss this religion out-of-hand just because it doesn't have talking snakes and virgin births. Actually, I think it has all of the cool stuff needed to make a viable religion: a little mystery, the Book, conflict, drama, but best of all this religion has a likable Leader who doesn't want to do harm to anyone. You must admit that's an improvement over the Christian religion. Also, you might find it refreshing to have a leader who doesn't threaten and have a million rules that you follow or you'll burn in Hell for an eternity. 

Truly, folks, you have to buy into some crazy crap to plod every Sunday to your Christian church. I would imagine much of the motivation is from fear that you'll end up in Hell. Wow, that's truly sad. It reminds me of the saying, that pathetically is meant to be positive, He's a God-fearing man. Think about that, for cryin' out loud. It's good and noteworthy that someone fears a god!

Just reread this for the fourth time. Hmm. Don't want you folks to get out your pitchforks! OK, admittedly it's kinda silly. But, is it any sillier than so-called mainstream religions?

EDIT: Well, the grammar and punctuation need some work, but frankly don't have the energy or desire. Sorry, folks!  January 31, 2018

Sunday, January 28, 2018

AAA Should Issue a Travel Advisory For the South, Especially Webster Parish, Louisiana

These are in the office of the Attorney General of Louisiana.

Wow, I'll let you read the article. School starts with a prayer, they teach Adam and Eve, and on and on.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

I Have a Personal Relationship With God! Honest, I Do.

Disclaimer of sorts. I am an atheist and do not believe in Gods! Period. That said, anything about religion is the Christian
religion which I know something about. Not much, granted. And, yes, I will capitalize God.

OK, I'm in a somewhat of a ticked off mood. That said, how often do we hear folks say, I have a personal relationship with God?

What in the heck does that mean?

You guys are on the same bowling team?

You guys chase chicks together?

He brought a casserole to your last PTA meeting?

He attended your wedding?

He bought a bunch of Girl Scout cookies from your daughter?

He helped jump-start your car?

For almost twenty years I worked with the seriously mentally ill. Sadly, many of those folks were obsessed with God. With some of them, I often wondered which came first? The mental illness that produced their obsession with God or their belief in God that produced their mental illness.

Many years ago I had a co-worker who mentioned that she had a personal relationship with God. She wore a cross necklace and always had a Bible with her. She was a terrific case manager who worked with the mentally ill. I enjoyed having her as a co-worker. Other than the religious crap, she was a delightful lady. I considered her a good coworker and friend.

Do you have a personal relationship with God? What does that mean? It's not unusual for politicians to say they talk to God. How about you?

Of Course You're a Critical Thinker. And, Surely Your Children Are, Also.

If you went out into our streets and polled the next 10,000 citizens who passed by, I doubt many would admit to making bad decisions. Most would view themselves as critical thinkers even if they'd never heard the word before.

Obviously, most of us are not critical thinkers and most of us don't even know the basics of trying to make

reasoned rational decisions. Think I'm wrong? Well, folks if I were wrong, overnight all chiropractors, Reiki masters, homeopaths, naturopaths, and so on, would disappear.

Actually, this post is about kids and teaching them critical thinking skills. Take a look here.

When Was the Last Time You Received an Honest-to-Gosh Handwritten Letter? Or, Sent One?

With schools no longer teaching cursive writing how long will it be before we can no longer write? When was the last time you sat with pen and paper and sent someone a letter? Or, received a handwritten letter?

For 108 days Tim Johnson wrote a letter a day. Here's his article. READ THIS!

Yes, I Wrote to the Virginia Board of Medicine!!!!

As I sit here at midnight, January 26, 2018, I wonder what the heck I am doing. I swore a week or so ago researching Paltrow and her bullshit website Goop that has every whacky thing you can think of that I would never post again. I learned about it when I found her latest was a $135 coffee enema. Yes, a $135 coffee enema. I told myself, enough is enough.

At 78, how many more days do I have and how much time do I want to piss away on this stuff with few people actually reading what I have to say.

OK, and then I decided I was going to write the Virginia Board of Medicine. And, here I am again.

Below you will find my letter to them and their response. Was I surprised by their response? Sadly, no. But, I was disappointed.

Our mission is to ensure safe and competent patient care by licensing health professionals, enforcing standards of practice, and providing information to health care practitioners and the public.

Yes, that's the mission of the BOM.

Wow, she sure did respond with a lot of red text.

Not sure how I will proceed. But, there are only so many ways.

I am definitely going to reply to the BOM. Hmm, just trying to figure out exactly and what I am going to say, not that it will make much difference.

As my letter stated, I asked about so-called Applied Kinesiology. This is bullshit ladies and gentlemen. Take a look here and here.

There is no doubt that this is the worst of the worst pseudoscientific BS. And, yet, as many as 30 percent of chiropractors use this crap! And, the BOM is looking out for us?

Though I do not know this to be true, it would seem as though the BOM knows that chiropractors are using this crap and just don't care or think that it's OK. It's one or the other...and, that's truly sad and inexcusable.

What follows is my letter to the BOM and their response.

Dear Mr. Callender:
You are correct the Board of Medicine does not license naturopaths and so has no jurisdiction over them as they are private citizens not regulated by the Board. Naturopaths have petitioned the Virginia legislature in the past asking to be licensed by Virginia and have failed to get the legislation through.  You may wish to make you feelings known to the legislature regarding naturopaths.
The Board of Medicine does have jurisdiction over chiropractors and if you have a complaint against a specific chiropractor, you may file it at this link:

Jennie F. Wood
Case Manager, Discipline & Compliance
Virginia Board of Medicine
Perimeter Center
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300
Henrico, Virginia  23233
804-367-4571;  Fax-804-527-4429



From: George Callender [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 12:55 PM
To: Wood, Jennie (DHP) <Jennie.Wood@DHP.VIRGINIA.GOV>

Dear Ms. Wood,

Well, at 78 I guess you could say I'm circling the drain. I've been meaning to write this letter for years, so here goes.

Why are so-called naturopaths allowed to hang up their shingles, refer to themselves as doctors, and diagnose and treat our citizens? Yes, I checked and thankfully they are not licensed (yet).   

Here are some of the things that they advertise that they use: Bach Flowers, reflexology, homeopathy, iridology. AK, and so on. Actually, they could challenge the chiropractors for who has the most proven-to-not work techniques.

Obviously, someone at the Board of Medicine knows this is going on. Why is it allowed? 

My favorite folks, chiropractors. Many chiropractors use applied kinesiology and yes, I know the BOM is aware of this. Why is this allowed? 

Anyone with an IQ above room temperature knows that AK is pseudoscientific BS. Poses two questions. Chiropractors using AK either know it doesn't work or actually think it works. In either case, their license should be revoked.

Here are some links to Virginia chiropractors who use AK and their claims about the benefits.

The average citizen in our state makes certain assumptions when they seek medical care. The main thing they assume is that if our state grants someone a medical license that they must be OK. That is, that they are using proven methods of diagnosing and treating disease. That they are knowledgeable about medicine and are not taking advantage of us by using bogus treatments. That is not the case, Ms. Wood.

I guess I could sum up my letter by asking two questions. Why is the BOM allowing so-called naturopaths to call themselves doctors and treat our citizens? My second question is this, why is the BOM allowing chiropractors to use modalities (for lack of a better word) that have been proven to not work and not provide any medical benefit?

In closing, I hope you and yours had a great Christmas and holiday season and I wish you all a best-ever new year in 2018.

If you've gotten this far, thanks for reading my letter and I look forward to your response. 

Respectfully, I remain....



PS. Seems these are violated.

18VAC85-20-28.  Practitioner-patient communication; termination of relationship. 

  1. Except as provided in § 32.1-127.1:03 F of the Code of Virginia, a practitioner shall accurately inform a patient or his legally authorized representative of his medical diagnoses, prognosis and prescribed treatment or plan of care. A practitioner shall notdeliberately make a false or misleading statement regarding the practitioner’s skill or the efficacy or value of a medication, treatment, or procedure prescribed or directed by the practitioner in the treatment of any disease or condition.

18VAC85-20-30. Advertising ethics.

E. A licensee of the board shall not advertise information which is false, misleading, or deceptive. 
"Be kind,  for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."  Plato....

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Chili Bowl (No, Not Football) Nationals

A little change of pace. Here's information about the Chili
Tony Stewart

The Chili Bowl is run over several days drawing drivers from all racing disciplines. Routinely, several of the top NASCAR drivers compete and racers from as far away as New Zealand. It's a big deal for small race cars called midgets. They have 300-400 horsepower and weigh a mere 1,000 pounds. This year started with about 350 cars. It's an indoor track of 1/4 mile.

The videos here are from the drivers' seat, with the cameras mounted on the cars.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

What do Austin McChord and I Share? Money? Fame? Well, not Exactly....

Austin McChord just donated $50,000,000 to RIT!

OK, what do we share? A world-class-low GPA. McChord's is 2.2. Mine was (as I best remember), 2.08. It took me 14 years from my first class, while in the service stationed in Savannah, Georgia, to graduation in 1975. In addition to my ODU credits, I have a few from American University and Ohio University.

When I started back for the big push to graduate, about 1973, my GPA was 1.55. Not to make excuses, but it was that low as I walked away from a bunch of classes without formally withdrawing. Yep, a bunch of Fs.

My low-GPA graduation was followed by an unremarkable and somewhat ordinary career. No $50,000,000, to ODU.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

A Bizarre Perfect Storm Kind of Event, Chiropractic Meets Energy Healing....

First off, no I surely do not think what I'm writing about in 
this post is funny. Far from it.

That said, when all of our states license these people and allow them to parade around in white coats and call themselves doctors, some of this is bound to happen. (And, yes, I know that real doctors sometimes do these things.)

For those of you who don't know, chiropractic was dreamed up by a grocer in 1895. Yes, someone with no medical training. And, little has changed except the chiropractors just keep adding to their arsenal of pseudoscientific BS.

The fellow this posting is about is set for trial in Virginia Beach in a month or so. His license was revoked in April 2017 and since then there have been a bunch of continuations and so on. As I best remember, the charge is misdemeanor sexual assault.

The perfect storm? The information at the board of medicine, states one patient said that he had his hand on or near, you know where. The chiropractor responded to the Board by saying he was performing Reiki. Ahh, Reiki and chiropractic, what a combination.

I'm sure no one is going to respond to this. And, on the off chance that someone thinks chiropractic or Reiki works...hey, spend a little time and learn how bogus inert treatments may seem to work, but alas, they do not. Remember, chiropractors are still adjusting vertebral subluxations, invented if you will by DD Palmer in 1895! Folks, there is no such thing.

Suppose your PCP or GP's education stopped in 1895? Hmm. 

Ahh, Yes, More BS From the Religious Folks!

I want to thank Hemant Mehta for his article about James

Here is a link to the article.

Dobson is asking us (OK, maybe not me) to pray and fast so that Trump isn't impeached. As with just about everything religious, this is truly amazing.

Let's see how this would work. We pray to a non-existent deity and stop eating and that's going to save Trump from impeachment. Well, I don't want to waste more time on this one. But, I will say, yes, I know how prayer is supposed to work...but, dang...I starve myself and it helps Trump.

Would it be fair to ask what would happen if we all, instead of fasting, for the next month ate twice as much as usual? Hmm. Would that make Trump get impeached?

Religion occasionally does have a certain sad and pathetic entertainment value. But, that as we know doesn't offset the destructive power of religion and all of the terrible things that happen because of religion.

Prayers to you.... 

BTW, I'm headed out the door to buy six Double Whoppers.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Shackleton, the Explorer and Shackleton Scotch. Quite a Story.

My friend Eddie sent me this link to a New York Times 
article. Well, I guess he sent it...ahh, because I'm  a fan of  Scotch. What can I say????

Anyway, I found this to be an amazing story. Hey, a little history of an amazing man and at the end, we have a historical Scotch.

What Will a Border Wall Accomplish?

I have no knowledge of what's going on at the border. I only
As I understand it, these are the sample walls.
know that Trump's talking about spending $18,000,000,000 (dang, is that eighteen billion?).

There would seem to be two kinds of folks crossing the border. Regular folks who are seeking a better life and those who are crossing for criminal reasons.

It would seem that for those in the first group there would be no incentive or reason to cross if there were no jobs. Yes, my idea is simplistic. Anyone who hires someone who is in the country illegally is fined $1,000 per workday. Yep, a fellow is here illegally and works ten days, the employer is fined $10,000. Have special courts set up to try these cases within 30 days of arresting the employers, This would not cost the taxpayers anything. The fines will cover all of the expenses.

I don't see how a wall will keep anyone from crossing the border, especially those who are coming with criminal intent. Here is where we should spend our resources. Pass any needed laws that would make these people think twice before coming here and committing crimes. Harsh penalties.

I'm sure I had a 55-word story about Trump's 30-foot walls but I can't find it. All it amounted to was that Lowes and Home Depot started an ongoing sale on their 30-foot ladders. (Remember, our president said among other things, that the walls were going to be thirty feet.)

EDIT: January 9, 2018. Here's an interesting article about the wall. A gift to drug cartels?

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Yard Angel II to the Rescue!

A few days ago, yes, here in Virginia, we had about ten inches
of snow. And, for several days the temperatures have been below freezing. As I'm typing this it's about 20 degrees.

Anyway, the morning after the snow, Yard Angel II was at my house clearing a path.

As I've babbled on before I surely don't believe in gods, and as such, I have little faith in anything. That said, Yes, I have faith in the Yard Angels. They are always there looking out for me and doing what they can.

Faith in a so-called, god? No. Yard Angels, yes.

All of you so-called believers who continue to pray to so-called gods...hey, pray for a Yard Angel.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

I Think I May Feel Sorry For Our President....


Here are a few of the quotes from the article.

President Donald Trump wants people to know he's "like, really smart" and "a very stable genius."

Trump says "my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart."

He says going from successful businessman to reality TV star to president on his first try "would qualify as not smart, but genius .... and a very stable genius at that!"

For almost twenty years, I was paid (small bucks) to do mental health evaluations and diagnose people. For every person who I interviewed, I had to list a diagnosis. Sometimes I used NOS (not otherwise specified) and sometimes I used RO (rule out a particular diagnosis).

Am I qualified to diagnose our president? Well, any of us can see the obvious...Trump has at least two personality disorders-narcissistic and grandiose. And, folks, that's not good for anyone...especially someone, who as Trump says, has the Big Nuclear Button.

And, why would I feel sorry for him? Good question. He has created a mess and he must surely at times know what he's done. Of course, my feeling sorry for him has nothing to do with changing my opinion that he's a lying scumbag who's not fit to hold any public office, much less be our president. And, remember folks, being rich or whatever term you want to use doesn't mean you're smart.

Maybe we should all pray (couldn't resist).

Yes, a couple of 55-word stories about our president.

That Trump’s Something, Ain’t He?

“What do you mean?”
“First president with no government experience and was never in the military.”
“First big-deal billionaire.”
“TV star, too.”
“Anything else?”
“What do you think?”
“Know of two firsts. President with the smallest hands and the first First Lady who we can see nekid with a couple of mouse clicks.”

January 20, 2017

BTW, if you'd like to see the First Lady, click here for another of my postings.

Accident left him in a Coma

Happened Christmas 2015 and was doubtful he’d regain consciousness.
Family worked in shifts to be by his side in case he awoke.
He did December 2016.
“Tell me, what’s new in the country?” he said.
“Trump is president-elect and Palin is considered for VA secretary,” his brother, said.
“Please, put me back in a coma!”

December 16, 2016   

EDIT: Hmm, actually I think I need to better define in my mind what "feel sorry for" means before I commit to that as far as Trump is concerned.

Another Brief Rant About Prayers and Praying....

It’s 1:00AM and I can’t get to sleep. So, as I’m ticked off about several things
thought I’d hit the computer for a few minutes and pound out some of my frustrations.

I’m sitting here in Virginia Beach, Virginia and the temperature is in the teens. And, we recently had 10 or more inches of snow. Thousand without electricity and of course all business comes to a halt and the roads are dangerous.

For you folks who believe in God (BTW, when I write about religion I’m using the Christian religion as I know a little about that…not so much about the others) I would pose the question, why in the hell would He allow weather like this?

The only positive thing I can think of that it accomplishes is the kids get to play in the snow and stay out of school.

And, for the many of you who prayed, Please, please Mr. God, spare us this horrible weather, now what? Still, believe in old God? Of course, you do.

What kind of twisted logic did you use to excuse Him from not answering your prayers? Oh, He had so many other more important things to take care of. Well, there just weren’t enough of us praying.

Of course, did it ever occur to you that this all-knowing God would already know what you’d be praying (for)…so, why bother?

OK, where was I?

And, how about all of the horrible events in just the past year…hurricanes in the Islands, Puerto Rico, Florida, and Texas (yes, I may have missed a few). There were millions of people praying. Millions. And, why did the hurricanes come after all the prayers?

Ahh, yes, I can answer that one. Let’s for once try to use a little logic and reason, OK?

1)  There is no God so you’re whistlin’ Dixie. Just pissin’ away your time when you should be at the store getting needed supplies.

2)  If there is a God, then either He doesn’t give a crap about our welfare and wellbeing or He isn’t in control of anything and has no power.

3)  Lastly, you could throw in with Pat Robertson and others of his ilk who say God is mad about homosexuals and so on and is punishing us.

OK, Christians. Where do you stand? Pick one! Unless I'm missing something it has to be one of these three. Can you think of anything else to explain it? Can't? Then pick one, please.

I was going to make comments about the above listed three reasons for your so-called God not acting, but I will not.

BTW, the next time you folks have the urge to pray…hey, do something else. Do something that makes sense. Have a drink. Take a nap. Read a book. Clean your house.

I’ll close by including one of my 55-word stories that might explain some bad weather.

What the Hell Happened Here on Earth?

Citizens inspected.
“Look at the geography. Deserts, Arctic ice, so many places we can’t live. Poisonous plants, venomous snakes, and ferocious animals. How did this happen?”
“Some think the Devil took over. Others think God got confused and rested on the fifth day. Truth be told, he got drunk and cavorted with the darn angels.”

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Thank You God for Pat Robertson!!!!

Here's an article by Hemant Mehta. Pat Robertson, who I am
sure has God on his speed dial, says at least for the time being, we're not going to have a nuclear exchange with North Korea.

According to Robertson God has a bunch of other stuff He's working on. I'm sure we all feel so much better. Hmm. I thought old God was a multitasker. You mean He can only work on a few things at a time. Dang, I'm disappointed.

Actually, I feel blessed to live here in Virgina Beach, we not only have Robertson and CBN, we have the Edgar Cayce center where you can find every kind of bogus pseudoscience and all things that aren't real.

Yes, truly blessed.

To add a little levity, here's one of my 55-word stories. Yes, nothing better than politics, God, and religious whackjobs!

President Cruz, Called Staff to War Room!

“You are here on an urgent matter. God told me to bomb Russia.”
Those in attendance looked at each other, wondering if this was a bizarre joke or something.
“Mr. President, I’m confused, we now have a great relationship with Russia,” said General Adams. “They pose no threat. Could you get God on the speakerphone?”

January 3, 2017

When Cruz was on the campaign trail, he famously said, “I put God first, my country second….” Suppose he’d been a Muslim and said that?

Do You Want Your Marriage to Last? Here's What You Can Do!!!!

To some of us, this is not amazing. To most, however, it will be shocking.

All you need to do is to toss your Holy Bible in the trash and 
To add a little levity.... This is NOT mine.
Borrowed from ING.
start spending your Saturdays and Sundays relaxing and not going off to pray.

The studies that show atheists have fewer divorces is provided by an evangelical Christian organization. Thanks, guys.

Evidence, Reason, and Logic vs Faith

Yes, you may find all of this silly, but that said I have a point to make.

You want to paint a room and want a light blue color. You get to the paint store and tell the salesperson what color you want. There are hundreds of unlabeled cans with no colors on them. When you question the salesperson about what colors are in the cans, they say, Pick one. Just have faith.

You are told the car you're considering buying gets 100 mpg and goes 200 mph. You ask the salesperson, do you have any evidence to back up these claims? Road tests? Just have faith.

You're buying a house. You are told the payments are $1000 per month. When you are given the contract to sign, the selling price is shown but not the monthly payments. Just have faith the salesperson says.

Yes, I could go on and on and list more examples of the three above. However, I've made my point, I think.

Now you are 35 or so and have never paid much attention to religion. Have never gone to church. Yes, of course, you read about God and people going to church and so on, But, you've just never had any interest. It never seemed important as what little you knew made no sense.

Your best friend has asked you several times to attend church with him. Finally, you go. After the service, you learn your friend has made an appointment with the pastor.

The three of you meet in the pastor's office. The pastor goes over the history and the tenants of the religion. Afterwards, he says, Well, what do you think?

Frankly, it all sounds crazy. There's no reason, logic, or evidence in what you've said.

The pastor leaned back in his chair and smiled.

Well, I feel the same way. You're right, none of it makes any sense and none of it is logical or reasonable. However, all you have to do is have FAITH!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

My New Year's Resolutions and This Video is Worth Watching....

Hi Folks,

Yes, I'm still working on my New Year's Resolutions. Actually, I basically have them finished I just don't feel like writing them out. Plan to do that soon. Honest!

That said, this video is only a few minutes long. Please watch it.


Yes, resolutions from an atheist. He talks about reason and critical thinking. Whether you are a believer or not, please watch this as it applies to far more than religion.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Ahh, It's Time For Rehab!!!!

Luann de Lesseps, is the latest who's in trouble with the cops.

Actually, needing to go to rehab is not funny or a joking matter.
That said, it seems all too often when so-called stars and celebrities run into trouble with the police, regardless of the cause, they head for rehab. I would imagine that usually, it's with their lawyer's encouragement or suggestion.

Yes, it seems that most of them think when they make it to court they can proudly proclaim that they are in rehab. Hmm, as if the judge has never heard that one before.

What is rehab? How does it work, or not. And, are there alternatives?

For this posting, I'm going to use alcohol and alcohol problems. To some extent, drug treatment works similarly. But, I'm going to concentrate on alcohol.

Unless you've lived in a cave your entire life, you've been around people who have had problems with alcohol. This could be old Uncle Henry, who every holiday gets blitzed and causes family turmoil. Could be a close friend, relative, or spouse who ongoingly readily admits to a drinking problem but does nothing to get their drinking under control. And, yes, some people get a divorce because of alcohol use. Then there are the DWIs and loss of jobs. Alcohol use does cause many problems. The other aspect of alcohol is that we do things under the influence that we would never do when sober. Well, you know what I’m talking about. Too much alcohol impairs our judgment and tosses our impulse control put the window.

Before going further, I'd like to mention that many communities have city-sponsored detox centers. I think that the lines are blurred and you may well find the same services at some detox centers that you'd find at rehab. That said, the celebrities that we read about are surely going to private hospitals (psychiatric) and not using the community-based services.

Detox may be a misnomer, as most people don't actually have to detox from alcohol. By that I mean, if they stop drinking they will not have any type of physical/medical problems from stopping alcohol. That said, yes, there are some who when they stop drinking should be medically monitored in case there are physical or medical problems caused by stopping the alcohol use.

So, what’s available for treatment? I’m going to lump the detox center and the private hospital (both can be reffered to as rehab) together. Most hospitals will have all of what I’m listing and detox typically fewer.

1) Information and education about alcohol and how it affects the body and mental status.
2) AA’s twelve-step program. Unfortunately, in my opinion, this program if you will is relied on too much. God is mentioned, if I remember correctly, six times in the twelve steps. In fact, courts have said prisoners can’t be forced to attend treatment that uses the AA model, as it’s a religion. Another thing I don’t like is that those who participate in the program state that they are powerless over the alcohol. If they are actually powerless, hey, there’s nowhere to go from there.
3) Group meetings.
4) Visits by a psychiatrist and or counselor for individual therapy.

While I’m a little out touch I guess I would say, not having worked in six or seven years, I doubt if things have changed.

Would imagine most city/county or state funded detox centers are short term. Get in and sober up, participate in some groups, and be offered ongoing treatment when leaving the center. This would be individual or group counseling with an alcohol and drug counselor. Of course, some folks who have problems with drugs are also mentally ill. And, the discharge plan from the detox center would include mental health treatment and a case manager.

Now, the fancy places that the rich and famous go I would assume would have somewhat regular visits by a psychiatrist as well as individual counseling with a licensed counselor (LPC, LCSW, and psychologist).
 Of course, the fancy places would have a discharge plan for ongoing treatment.
Does any of this stuff work? Well, you’d have to define work. It’s not like a broken arm. You can go into a hospital and have your arm fixed. It’s surely not the same as dealing with drinking alcohol that’s causing you problems. You can't go to rehab and get fixed. You can go into rehab and possibly have a better chance of making changes in your drinking-surely, no guarantees.
EDIT: Time for a comment. Nothing I say here is medical advice. I am merely giving my opinions. If you have a problem with alcohol, I suggest you look into whatever treatment is available to you and try to make an informed decision.
 Now, that said, unless you have medical problems that might make detoxing a problem I’d most likely try to stay away from the hospitals and detox centers. This does not mean I’m saying you shouldn’t seek help. Most communities have free help through community services boards and if you have insurance, it will usually cover a counselor.
What I would watch out for are the places that may well be scams. I know of folks who’ve paid $50,000 plus for out-of-town treatment that seemingly are not any better than what should be available locally. And, there are some actual scams out there. Let the buyer beware. And, good luck!

I've read over this several times. Obviously, this surely is not a complete survey of problems with alcohol or alcohol treatment. Though I think the information can be helpful if you seek treatment, ask lots of questions. And, if you are having problems and can't seem to get going again or whatever term you want to use, seek help!