Sophie, RIP January 15, 2017 |
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Part One of Interview: Elliott Brown, Time Magazine and George Hudson, Her Holinesses' Personal Assistant...
First off, I'd like to say that I'm honored to be the first person, to...ahh, be granted this type of interview. As I'm sure you know, from time to time there have been rumors...ahh, about, ahh, Her Holiness. However, for the last ten years or so I've followed up with everyone, and the people I've interviewed have all denied any knowledge of Her Holiness. Why is that?
As you know, we in the United States claim that we have religious freedom. And, to some extent that might be true. However, as you well know, religion...that is well, out of the mainstream...has, let's say not always been, ahh...may I say, accepted. Until now, we thought it better to keep what you might call a low profile. We surely didn't want anyone to be offended or anyone's religion to feel threatened.
How did you find out about Saydar, if I may refer to her as such?
George laughed, Surely you can. Well, there wasn't much drama in our first meeting. Actually, she came to the door seeking water. Something to drink and a little to eat. She'd been traveling for days without nourishment.
When was this?
Well, I will just say, it's been a while.
Can she talk? You know, speak English?
Yes, though she prefers not to. She has the ability to communicate by sending out mind thoughts.
Where did she come from? How did all of this happen? How old is she?
She’s been living in the mountains for several thousand years. Off and on I guess you could say. She doesn't talk about how old she is. She always says that that's not important.
Why did she make herself known at this time?
She said that the world is now in such a state that she had to try to help. Try to bring some reason to it all.
As you know, we in the United States claim that we have religious freedom. And, to some extent that might be true. However, as you well know, religion...that is well, out of the mainstream...has, let's say not always been, ahh...may I say, accepted. Until now, we thought it better to keep what you might call a low profile. We surely didn't want anyone to be offended or anyone's religion to feel threatened.
How did you find out about Saydar, if I may refer to her as such?
George laughed, Surely you can. Well, there wasn't much drama in our first meeting. Actually, she came to the door seeking water. Something to drink and a little to eat. She'd been traveling for days without nourishment.
When was this?
Well, I will just say, it's been a while.
Can she talk? You know, speak English?
Yes, though she prefers not to. She has the ability to communicate by sending out mind thoughts.
Where did she come from? How did all of this happen? How old is she?
She’s been living in the mountains for several thousand years. Off and on I guess you could say. She doesn't talk about how old she is. She always says that that's not important.
Why did she make herself known at this time?
She said that the world is now in such a state that she had to try to help. Try to bring some reason to it all.
What kind of special powers does she have?
Depends on what you call special. She has the ability to communicate with anyone she wants. She can also do mass communication.
Doesn’t she have any really neat know, cause hurricanes, storms, warts, and such?
Saydar is quite modest in showing and talking about her abilities and powers. Real powers don’t need to be flaunted are her feelings.
Doesn’t she ever just, well do something dramatic…you know, to let us know…well, that she’s a goddess?
Why would she do that?
Well, all of the other gods do that.
She will not approve of me saying this, but you know all of those things the other gods do? Like turning water into wine, parting the oceans, making a bush catch on fire?
Well, I don’t want to disappoint you; however, those are tricks any third-rate magician can do. Sorry.
You mean those other gods can’t do all of those, you know…things?
You need to decide that for yourself.
You mean if I pray to Saydar…well, will she answer my prayers?
Let me ask you this. When you pray to your present god, does he or she answer your prayers?
Well, no. But, He only answers them if, well, you know, they are worthy or something.
What do you mean?
Well, the Bible has it all in there. Actually, there are many places in the Bible that say all prayers will be answered. You know, if you’ve signed on so to speak.
Does He also answer all worthy prayers?
Well, it’s kind of complicated.
Try to explain it to me.
Look, sometimes God does something just to, well…you know, test us.
How does that work?
You know, He’ll give someone cancer.
Oh. Yes, I guess that would really test them. But, what’s the purpose of that kind of test?
Well, to see whether or not you’ll keep faith in Him.
Oh, let me see if I have this right. Your God will give a person cancer…to test their faith in Him?
Yeah, that’s right, you got it.
Couldn’t He just ask them?
Oh, no. He’s really busy, He can’t talk to everyone. You know, He talks to Pat Robertson and some others.
Hmm. Again, let me see if I have this right. God has time to give someone cancer but doesn’t have the time to ask them if they believe in Him?
Yes, you’re learning God’s ways. You’ve got it.
OK. I’m a little confused. What if you don’t believe in Him, then what?
Wow, you better watch yourself.
What do you mean?
Hell…don’t you know about Hell? Hmm. You mean she doesn’t threaten anyone like the other gods, you know, follow me or I’ll make your life fucking miserable and throw you into hell and make you burn forever…and never let you have another beer.
Please, please, don’t insult Saydar. She is actually here to see if She can help, the last thing She wants to do is to make you fear Her. That’s not very nice
Well, ahh….hmm…what happens if we don’t worship Her and put Her before everything else in our lives.
What do you mean nothing? She won’t burn us, stone us, ostracize us, strike us with lightning.
Depends on what you call special. She has the ability to communicate with anyone she wants. She can also do mass communication.
Doesn’t she have any really neat know, cause hurricanes, storms, warts, and such?
Saydar is quite modest in showing and talking about her abilities and powers. Real powers don’t need to be flaunted are her feelings.
Doesn’t she ever just, well do something dramatic…you know, to let us know…well, that she’s a goddess?
Why would she do that?
Well, all of the other gods do that.
She will not approve of me saying this, but you know all of those things the other gods do? Like turning water into wine, parting the oceans, making a bush catch on fire?
Well, I don’t want to disappoint you; however, those are tricks any third-rate magician can do. Sorry.
You mean those other gods can’t do all of those, you know…things?
You need to decide that for yourself.
You mean if I pray to Saydar…well, will she answer my prayers?
Let me ask you this. When you pray to your present god, does he or she answer your prayers?
Well, no. But, He only answers them if, well, you know, they are worthy or something.
What do you mean?
Well, the Bible has it all in there. Actually, there are many places in the Bible that say all prayers will be answered. You know, if you’ve signed on so to speak.
Does He also answer all worthy prayers?
Well, it’s kind of complicated.
Try to explain it to me.
Look, sometimes God does something just to, well…you know, test us.
How does that work?
You know, He’ll give someone cancer.
Oh. Yes, I guess that would really test them. But, what’s the purpose of that kind of test?
Well, to see whether or not you’ll keep faith in Him.
Oh, let me see if I have this right. Your God will give a person cancer…to test their faith in Him?
Yeah, that’s right, you got it.
Couldn’t He just ask them?
Oh, no. He’s really busy, He can’t talk to everyone. You know, He talks to Pat Robertson and some others.
Hmm. Again, let me see if I have this right. God has time to give someone cancer but doesn’t have the time to ask them if they believe in Him?
Yes, you’re learning God’s ways. You’ve got it.
OK. I’m a little confused. What if you don’t believe in Him, then what?
Wow, you better watch yourself.
What do you mean?
Hell…don’t you know about Hell? Hmm. You mean she doesn’t threaten anyone like the other gods, you know, follow me or I’ll make your life fucking miserable and throw you into hell and make you burn forever…and never let you have another beer.
Please, please, don’t insult Saydar. She is actually here to see if She can help, the last thing She wants to do is to make you fear Her. That’s not very nice
Well, ahh….hmm…what happens if we don’t worship Her and put Her before everything else in our lives.
What do you mean nothing? She won’t burn us, stone us, ostracize us, strike us with lightning.
What kind of goddess is She?
She’s the kind of goddess who most of us want.
Well, what does She want?
The easiest thing for you to do is to read Sophie’s Journey.
What is Sophie’s Journey?
It’s the teachings of Sophie.
Who is Sophie?
Sophie is Saydar’s real name, her followers started calling Her Saydar. They thought it was a better name for a goddess than Sophie.
Well, what did…ahh, Sophie…or Saydar say about that?
It’s Her feelings that a name really is insignificant. What counts is your teachings and such. Your deeds. A name doesn’t make any difference to Her. A name, as she says, doesn't change who you are or what you do.
Where are the teachings? Sophie’s Journey?
Where did these teachings come from…who recorded them?
Well, many people were involved. I guess you might say her disciples.
Would you tell me a little something about…er, Her. Does she allow that?
Of course She does; however, other than Her teachings there’s not much to tell.
What does She look like, what color hair, you know, that kind of stuff?
Well, not that it’s important, but She has black hair with strands of well, silver…grey.
Hmm. Ahh, is She tall?
No, I don’t think you’d say that.
Well, anything unusual about Her?
OK. If you must know, Saydar is a Bouvier.
Bou..v..ahy? What’s that?
Bouviers originated in Belgium.
What does She wear? Really cool costumes like popes and such?
No, actually She doesn’t.
What does She wear?
Well, actually She doesn't wear anything in the sense that you’re asking.
What does that mean?
Well, it just means She doesn't wear clothes as we generally think of clothes.
I’m confused. Thought clothes were clothes?
Well, they are.
OK, what’s up with…ahh...what am I supposed to call Her?
Well, up to you. As I may have mentioned, some of Her followers call Her Saydar the Magnificent. Some call Her, Goddess of Life. A few refer to Her as Her Holiness. Some say Her Excellency. And, some call Her, well...just plain, Sophie.
You sure She won’t get mad if I refer to Her as Sophie?
George laughed, Why would She get mad? Actually, She doesn’t get mad in the way of thinking that we normally use...and She surely doesn’t get mad the way we humans do. She does get disappointed. Yes, She’s almost in a state of terminal disappointment, especially now looking at the world and what’s going on out there.
Oh, yeah, clothes. What does…ahh…Sophie wear?
As I mentioned, She actually doesn’t wear clothes as there’s no need.
No need? What do you mean?
Well, I hope you can accept this. Sophie is a Bouvier puppy.
A what! Come on man, don’t screw around with me. That’s not funny.
Well, actually She is, I would never fun about Sophie. Why do you find it strange that She's a Goddess and a Bouvier?
That’s stupid. It doesn’t make sense.
You know over the years there have been gods who are birds, dragons, and so on.
Yeah, but they weren't real gods.
In what way weren't they?
Well, you know. People who believed in them…were well…ignorant..or hadn’t yet been told about Almighty God and Jesus, you know what I mean?
Mr. Brown, you are obviously getting upset, and I can understand that. However, this interview is finished. You go away and calm down. I'll be glad to schedule another interview. You know how to get in touch with me. Please spend a little time trying to understand Her. You'd really like Her, Mr. Brown. She is truly a good...ahh...well, Goddess.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Part Two of Interview: Elliott Brown, Time Magazine and George Hudson, Her Holinesses' Personal Assistant...
Mr. Brown, I welcome you again, sir. Have you had some time to reflect on our last meeting? Mr. Brown, maybe I shouldn't say this, but frankly, in our last, well, lost any sense of your reporter's objectivity. Do you realize that?
Well, I'd like to apologize. Yes, I did lose my objectivity. Of course, as you know this is a very emotional subject with all of us.
Thank you. I accept your apology. Would like to continue?
Please. OK, I'm just to start calling her Sophie, if I may.
That will be fine.
OK. Most gods lay claim to creating the universe, as we know it. What does Sophie say about this? Did She create the universe?
Hmmm. That's a complicated question. I'll try to answer it as best I can. Yes, She was around at the creation.
Did She create the earth, is that what you're saying?
The short answer is, yes.
Could you explain how She did it? You know, Her plan. Why She did it? Also, where did She come from?
OK. Let's see. I'll start with the where did She come from. Sophie was born on a planet called Barcornius. The only thing unusual about Her at birth was a red spot on Her forehead. The ancient books of Barcornius had many references to the sign of the Red Spot. It had been predicted and prophesied that a time would come when a savior, to use a word that we understand, would be born and would be identified by the Red Spot.
So, then what happened?
Well, Her parents met with The Council and there was an immediate proclamation that Sophie was the one and had been sent to them for a purpose.
What was the purpose?
Sadly, Barcornius was having troubled times. There were wars raging, disease, and at times almost universal chaos. Sophie had been sent to them to try to improve the society in Barcornius.
What do you mean?
Well, it seems that they wanted Her to take the knowledge that had been gained from the creation of Barcornius, and go forth and form a new society. A society that would too some extent be patterned after Barcornius. Well, let me clarify that. Barcornius was created by Linus the Great, The God of Salvation and Redemption. Sadly, after a few years, he realized that things were not going as planned. So, he said that there would be someone who would be sent to, ah....go forth, use everything learned from Barcornius...and well, to simplify get it right this time.
OK. How did they know Sophie was the one?
George looked into Mr. Brown's eyes. The red spot, Mr. Brown. The red spot. Linus the Great had written that a savior would be sent and that the savior would have a red spot. Ancient teachings, sir. The Big Book of all That's True, the holy book of Linus, had many mentions of the red spot.
Who were Her parents?
Just regular Bouviers, Mr. Brown.
Was this a virgin birth?
George tried to restrain a chuckle, Mr. Brown. No sir. A virgin birth? Hmmm. No sir, Sophie was born into a regular caring Bouvier family. Nothing fancy here, sir. Yes, I know...well, some other gods claim to have been born of a virgin birth. Not sure what that's all about; however, if that's what they want to claim, well...that's their right, I guess.
With all due respect to Sophie, it all sounds somewhat ordinary.
You're right. Would you like more drama? George laughed.
Mr. Brown laughed.
Mr. Brown, sir. I'm sorry to say that there are things I must attend to. I have thoroughly enjoyed this visit. If you would like to come back, I will gladly schedule more time for us.
I would, Mr. Brown said. I would.
Well, I'd like to apologize. Yes, I did lose my objectivity. Of course, as you know this is a very emotional subject with all of us.
Thank you. I accept your apology. Would like to continue?
Please. OK, I'm just to start calling her Sophie, if I may.
That will be fine.
OK. Most gods lay claim to creating the universe, as we know it. What does Sophie say about this? Did She create the universe?
Hmmm. That's a complicated question. I'll try to answer it as best I can. Yes, She was around at the creation.
Did She create the earth, is that what you're saying?
The short answer is, yes.
Could you explain how She did it? You know, Her plan. Why She did it? Also, where did She come from?
OK. Let's see. I'll start with the where did She come from. Sophie was born on a planet called Barcornius. The only thing unusual about Her at birth was a red spot on Her forehead. The ancient books of Barcornius had many references to the sign of the Red Spot. It had been predicted and prophesied that a time would come when a savior, to use a word that we understand, would be born and would be identified by the Red Spot.
So, then what happened?
Well, Her parents met with The Council and there was an immediate proclamation that Sophie was the one and had been sent to them for a purpose.
What was the purpose?
Sadly, Barcornius was having troubled times. There were wars raging, disease, and at times almost universal chaos. Sophie had been sent to them to try to improve the society in Barcornius.
What do you mean?
Well, it seems that they wanted Her to take the knowledge that had been gained from the creation of Barcornius, and go forth and form a new society. A society that would too some extent be patterned after Barcornius. Well, let me clarify that. Barcornius was created by Linus the Great, The God of Salvation and Redemption. Sadly, after a few years, he realized that things were not going as planned. So, he said that there would be someone who would be sent to, ah....go forth, use everything learned from Barcornius...and well, to simplify get it right this time.
OK. How did they know Sophie was the one?
George looked into Mr. Brown's eyes. The red spot, Mr. Brown. The red spot. Linus the Great had written that a savior would be sent and that the savior would have a red spot. Ancient teachings, sir. The Big Book of all That's True, the holy book of Linus, had many mentions of the red spot.
Who were Her parents?
Just regular Bouviers, Mr. Brown.
Was this a virgin birth?
George tried to restrain a chuckle, Mr. Brown. No sir. A virgin birth? Hmmm. No sir, Sophie was born into a regular caring Bouvier family. Nothing fancy here, sir. Yes, I know...well, some other gods claim to have been born of a virgin birth. Not sure what that's all about; however, if that's what they want to claim, well...that's their right, I guess.
With all due respect to Sophie, it all sounds somewhat ordinary.
You're right. Would you like more drama? George laughed.
Mr. Brown laughed.
Mr. Brown, sir. I'm sorry to say that there are things I must attend to. I have thoroughly enjoyed this visit. If you would like to come back, I will gladly schedule more time for us.
I would, Mr. Brown said. I would.
OK, folks, yes I seem to be homing in on religion lately. Seems to go in cycles. Anyway, in 2007 I decided to write, to use that term, my own religion. Like most of my projects, it soon went by the wayside to make room for more projects that would also go nowhere.
Please don't dismiss this religion out-of-hand just because it doesn't have talking snakes and virgin births. Actually, I think it has all of the cool stuff needed to make a viable religion: a little mystery, the Book, conflict, drama, but best of all this religion has a likable Leader who doesn't want to do harm to anyone. You must admit that's an improvement over the Christian religion. Also, you might find it refreshing to have a leader who doesn't threaten and have a million rules that you follow or you'll burn in Hell for an eternity.
Truly, folks, you have to buy into some crazy crap to plod every Sunday to your Christian church. I would imagine much of the motivation is from fear that you'll end up in Hell. Wow, that's truly sad. It reminds me of the saying, that pathetically is meant to be positive, He's a God-fearing man. Think about that, for cryin' out loud. It's good and noteworthy that someone fears a god!
Just reread this for the fourth time. Hmm. Don't want you folks to get out your pitchforks! OK, admittedly it's kinda silly. But, is it any sillier than so-called mainstream religions?
EDIT: Well, the grammar and punctuation need some work, but frankly don't have the energy or desire. Sorry, folks! January 31, 2018
Please don't dismiss this religion out-of-hand just because it doesn't have talking snakes and virgin births. Actually, I think it has all of the cool stuff needed to make a viable religion: a little mystery, the Book, conflict, drama, but best of all this religion has a likable Leader who doesn't want to do harm to anyone. You must admit that's an improvement over the Christian religion. Also, you might find it refreshing to have a leader who doesn't threaten and have a million rules that you follow or you'll burn in Hell for an eternity.
Truly, folks, you have to buy into some crazy crap to plod every Sunday to your Christian church. I would imagine much of the motivation is from fear that you'll end up in Hell. Wow, that's truly sad. It reminds me of the saying, that pathetically is meant to be positive, He's a God-fearing man. Think about that, for cryin' out loud. It's good and noteworthy that someone fears a god!
Just reread this for the fourth time. Hmm. Don't want you folks to get out your pitchforks! OK, admittedly it's kinda silly. But, is it any sillier than so-called mainstream religions?
EDIT: Well, the grammar and punctuation need some work, but frankly don't have the energy or desire. Sorry, folks! January 31, 2018
George.... This is great... Could you expand it into a book... Hope so! Lou