The Beginning....

The Beginning....
When William Least Heat-Moon toured the country many years ago, his steed, if you will, was a van that he named Ghost Dancing. His journey of America was 13,000 miles. His book is Blue Highways, A Journey Into America. My steed will be a Subaru WRX (traded for an XV Crosstrek). My travels will be, what in the past were called, the blue highways of Virginia. Years ago, maps showed secondary roads in blue. Yes, the ones less traveled.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Another Brief Rant About Prayers and Praying....

It’s 1:00AM and I can’t get to sleep. So, as I’m ticked off about several things
thought I’d hit the computer for a few minutes and pound out some of my frustrations.

I’m sitting here in Virginia Beach, Virginia and the temperature is in the teens. And, we recently had 10 or more inches of snow. Thousand without electricity and of course all business comes to a halt and the roads are dangerous.

For you folks who believe in God (BTW, when I write about religion I’m using the Christian religion as I know a little about that…not so much about the others) I would pose the question, why in the hell would He allow weather like this?

The only positive thing I can think of that it accomplishes is the kids get to play in the snow and stay out of school.

And, for the many of you who prayed, Please, please Mr. God, spare us this horrible weather, now what? Still, believe in old God? Of course, you do.

What kind of twisted logic did you use to excuse Him from not answering your prayers? Oh, He had so many other more important things to take care of. Well, there just weren’t enough of us praying.

Of course, did it ever occur to you that this all-knowing God would already know what you’d be praying (for)…so, why bother?

OK, where was I?

And, how about all of the horrible events in just the past year…hurricanes in the Islands, Puerto Rico, Florida, and Texas (yes, I may have missed a few). There were millions of people praying. Millions. And, why did the hurricanes come after all the prayers?

Ahh, yes, I can answer that one. Let’s for once try to use a little logic and reason, OK?

1)  There is no God so you’re whistlin’ Dixie. Just pissin’ away your time when you should be at the store getting needed supplies.

2)  If there is a God, then either He doesn’t give a crap about our welfare and wellbeing or He isn’t in control of anything and has no power.

3)  Lastly, you could throw in with Pat Robertson and others of his ilk who say God is mad about homosexuals and so on and is punishing us.

OK, Christians. Where do you stand? Pick one! Unless I'm missing something it has to be one of these three. Can you think of anything else to explain it? Can't? Then pick one, please.

I was going to make comments about the above listed three reasons for your so-called God not acting, but I will not.

BTW, the next time you folks have the urge to pray…hey, do something else. Do something that makes sense. Have a drink. Take a nap. Read a book. Clean your house.

I’ll close by including one of my 55-word stories that might explain some bad weather.

What the Hell Happened Here on Earth?

Citizens inspected.
“Look at the geography. Deserts, Arctic ice, so many places we can’t live. Poisonous plants, venomous snakes, and ferocious animals. How did this happen?”
“Some think the Devil took over. Others think God got confused and rested on the fifth day. Truth be told, he got drunk and cavorted with the darn angels.”