Yes, I'm more riled up than usual. A few posts ago, I mentioned the Virginia Board of Medicine. Well, I'm trying to decide what my next move will be with them. Not that it will make any difference.
Then, today I looked at several more YouTube videos about Applied Kinesiology. And, that got me really going.
Several years ago I called/wrote the Virginia Board of Medicine, the Virginia Health Department, and the Virginia Beach Health Department. Why you may ask? Good question.
There is something called colonic irrigation. Please read this. There are several places here in town (VB) where you can have this done. If you read this you will realize that there are NO health benefits and there are some potential health problems that CI can cause.
There is no oversight. That's right, to stick a tube up someone's butt does not require a license and the local health department will not check to see if you're using sterile instruments, sterile conditions or anything, for that matter.
The Mission of the Virginia Department of Health is to protect the health and promote the well-being of all people in Virginia. The agency’s vision statement is “Become the healthiest state in the nation."
Keep in mind, that if you are a barber, cosmetologist, and even a car salesman, you need a license!!!!
Moving on. There are several so-called Naturopathic Doctors in our area. They have pretty-fancy websites. And, they are not licensed by our state (praise the Lord). That said, they are practicing medicine without a license. Period! Here is a link to what the Va. Assoc. of NDs has to say. Obviously, they are trying to coach them how to practice medicine but not practice medicine. Actually, not get caught.
Naturopathic is BULLSHIT! Period. But, yet they are allowed to diagnose and treat people. And, yes, that is practicing medicine without a license.
OK, now to the good part.
Those years ago, after learning that people were setting-up shop to use CI, I jokingly said, Hey, if they can do that I'm sure I can open a spiritual douche business.
OK, back to today.
I looked around on the internet and I can get a Doctor of Divinity for just a few bucks. And, as I'm already a reverend, yes, honest!!!! Well, I could surely open a spiritual douche business. I could have a website, identifying myself as a doctor (and, a reverend, for cryin' out loud). I would have to be careful about what I say about the benefits of my
spiritual douches. My website will talk about possibly, maybe, might, could, and so on. To make it attractive to the New Age folks, I would need to mention balancing, centering, holistic, auras, natural, adjusting, detoxing, aligning, and I surely don't want to forget quantum.
If I were to start a website for spiritual douches, the New Age ladies would be lining up. Kind of a sad statement about our society.
Remember folks, our governments are not looking out for us. Go to a chiropractor? Mercy. If you watch a chiropractor using Applied Kinesiology (AK) you'll never go to one again. I guess two questions, at least. Any of them using AK and can actually believe that it works??? And, they have a medical license? Either way, they think it works or they are just outright scammers. Let the buyer beware.
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