That said, recently learned of INCOWRIMO, a group of folks who try to write 28
letters/postcards in the month of February. A letter or postcard a day.
You can put your name on the list and folks can use you to send a letter. I put my name on the list, not expecting much. Dang, I've gotten four letters so far (February 10th). Amazing.
When I put my name on the list, I figured if anyone sent me a letter, I'd respond. Now, I've decided that I'm going to try to send out 28 letters. Yes, 28 in the month of February.
The letters I received are delightful. Wow, amazing folks who tell something about themselves and ask about you. Regular folks. So far, I've received letters from Minnesota, Florida, Tennessee, and Virginia.
The folks who have written me seem like truly nice folks, people who want to reach out to others and share experiences and such. Also, some are ambassadors for where they live, telling about their city and state.
Oh, well. Hey, it's not too late. Send out some letters and postcards. Send to your schoolmates who you haven't seen in years, to your shipmates from the service, and to relatives who you rarely visit. Hey, send Trump a letter telling him what a jerk he is. Send your legislators a note telling them what you want to be changed. Send a neighbor a note to just say, Hi.
Get a real fountain pen. Yes, one that uses ink. Hey, you can get a pen for a few bucks. Get some note cards and a stationary tablet in case your words won't fit on the cards.
We really need to draw back from the iPhone bullshit and the tweets or what have you.
Sit down, get a cup of coffee or a drink, get out your pen, exercise your brain a little and write an honest-to-gosh letter.
Oh, well.
I do enjoy InCoWriMo.
ReplyDeleteMia, thanks for stopping by.